Black Rice: Health Benefits And Ways To Cook



Published on: 11-Jan-2023


10 min read


Updated on : 02-Dec-2023




Kajal Tharwani


Black Rice: Health Benefits And Ways To Cook

Black Rice: Health Benefits And Ways To Cook

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Be wise and eat black rice! 

When we talk about rice, we usually mean white rice. However, have you heard of black rice? Black rice benefits, also known as forbidden rice, are catching the attention of many health enthusiasts and are actively part of the weight loss diet. 

In China, this rice was grown in small quantities. The nobility and royalty only consumed it, and every grain was confiscated. As a result, it was given the name forbidden rice.

Although black rice is consumed worldwide, it was only introduced to the United States in 1995. Since then, it has gradually gained popularity and is now available in many supermarkets.

Want to know more about black rice? Keep on scrolling! 

Table Of Contents 

1. What Is Black Rice? 

2. Nutritional Value Of Black Rice 

3. Health Benefits Of Black Rice 

4. How To Use Black Rice In Cooking? 

5. Dieititian’s Recommendation 

6. The Final Say 

7. FAQs 

What Is Black Rice? 

Black rice is also known as forbidden rice or purple rice and is a rare Oryza sativa rice. It began in China and spread to other parts of Asia around 10,000 years ago. According to studies, some cultures began crossbreeding rice grains to achieve consistent colouration over time. Black rice is famous for its flavour, colour, and health benefits.

Black rice was traditionally used in Chinese medicines and was only available to the aristocracy. It was previously reserved for Chinese emperors to ensure their longevity and was prohibited for others. They are also referred to as emperor's rice or forbidden rice.

Black rice has a chewy texture and is frequently used to make porridge, cakes, and puddings. Furthermore, because black rice is naturally gluten-free, it benefits people with gluten intolerance and celiac disease and aids in several medical conditions. 

Nutritional Value Of Black Rice 

Black rice is a superfood and one of the most nutritious. Approx 100 g of black rice contains

  • Calories-  356 kcal
  • Protein- 8.89 g
  • Fat-  3.33 g
  • Carbohydrates-  75.56 g
  • Iron- 2.4 g
  • Dietary fibre- 4.9 g

Health Benefits Of Black Rice 

Black rice has several health benefits. Here, we have enlisted a few. 

1. Great Source Of Antioxidants 

No other food comes close to black rice in terms of antioxidant content. Moreover, the bran (outermost layer) of black rice grains has the highest levels of anthocyanins in any food.

It has the highest anthocyanin content of any whole-grain variety, including brown rice, red rice, and red quinoa. These anthocyanins have been shown to fight free radicals, prevent cardiovascular disease, and treat microbial infections and diarrhoea.

2. Aids In Weight Loss 

Black rice has essential properties for weight management and loss: it is low in calories, carbohydrates, and dietary fibre. As a result, it makes you feel full and keeps hunger at bay.

In a 6-week study, 40 overweight women were randomly assigned to one of two groups: white rice or a combination of brown rice and black rice. At the end of the study, they discovered that the brown/black rice group lost significantly more weight. and had a lower body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage than the white rice group. This demonstrates that brown and black rice can be highly effective in diet therapy for obese women.

3. Helps In Liver Detoxification 

Fatty liver disease, as the name implies, is characterised by an abnormal accumulation of fat deposits in the liver. Mice were used to test the efficacy of black rice in treating this condition. 

The antioxidant activity of black rice extract regulated fatty acid metabolism and reduced triglyceride and total cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of fatty liver disease.

4. Is Gluten-Free By Nature 

One in every seven people is allergic to the protein gluten in wheat, barley, and rye products. Gluten sensitivity can cause various unpleasant symptoms, including constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, and an increased risk of developing the leaky gut syndrome. 

Fortunately, black rice is completely gluten-free. Therefore, people who are gluten sensitive or have celiac disease (a confirmed allergy to gluten) can add black rice to their daily diet to meet their protein and fibre requirements.

5. Great For People With Diabetes 

Whole grain black rice retains its bran, which is high in dietary fibre. Because the fibre takes longer to digest, it ensures that the sugar in the grain is absorbed over a longer period, allowing normal blood sugar levels to be maintained. 

As a result, it helps to keep insulin levels stable and can help prevent type 2 diabetes. A study found that an extract of germinated black rice performed similarly to the diabetes drug metformin in terms of preventing and managing the consequences of diabetes mellitus.

How To Use Black Rice In Cooking? 

Cooking black rice is similar to cooking brown rice, despite its different colour. It simply takes longer to cook. It can be steamed, boiled, or cooked in a pressure cooker. Depending on the type of black rice, there are several ways to cook it. For example, if the variety is non-glutinous, soak it for 30 minutes before cooking and then rinse it.

Soaking the black rice before cooking can help to shorten the cooking time. However, it is best to soak it for at least an hour before cooking. It should not be soaked overnight because it will change the texture of the cooked rice.

The three most common methods for cooking black rice are as follows:

1. Electric Rice Cooker

You just have to change the settings to brown rice and add water as indicated.

2. Stovetop Absorption Method

 Combine a cup of rice and two cups of water in a mixing bowl. Boil for approximately 30-60 minutes. It is ready to eat when the texture is tender and water is absorbed. 

3. Pasta Method

To one cup of rice, add 6 cups of water. After cooking, drain any excess water. It is regarded as the most effective method of lowering the risk of arsenic consumption, which occurs naturally in rice.

Uncooked black rice should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark place. Cooked black rice, on the other hand, should be refrigerated. They will keep for about 3-5 days.

Dietitian's Recommendation 

Black rice is highly nutritious and beneficial to one's health. Therefore, consuming black rice is unquestionably a wise decision. Furthermore, black rice's nutty flavour and soft texture make it versatile for side dishes, main courses, and even desserts. 

In savoury stir-fry dishes, it can be used in place of white or brown rice. It can also be served as a side dish with fish, poultry, or meat. 

-Dietitian Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say

Black rice is arguably the healthiest rice variety on the market. It is incredibly nutritious and provides numerous health benefits. Regular consumption of black rice benefits virtually every organ in your body. For example, it improves cognitive function and benefits the eyes, heart, respiratory system, and liver. It also has some anti-ageing properties.

Also, because of its high nutrient profile, health benefits, and ease of preparation, this grain should be included in everyone's weekly menu.


1. Can black rice be eaten daily?

You can eat black rice daily. It contains fibre that improves digestion and helps lose weight as fibre and nutrient content are more than fat or cholesterol. Also, it is a good source of energy for adults.

2. Does black rice spike blood sugar?

No, black rice will not cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. This is because black rice has a low glycemic index and is rich in fibre, which lowers blood glucose levels.

3. Is black rice good for kidneys?

Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, black rice also protects liver and kidney health.

4. Does black rice reduce inflammation?

Yes! Black rice has been known for its many beneficial effects on our bodies because it contains several chemical compounds that act as anti-inflammatory agents.

5. Does black rice give you gas?

Eating black rice in moderation is also best, as too much may cause gastrointestinal effects like an upset stomach, bloating or gas. 

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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.  

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