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Black Tea Vs Coffee: Which One Is Better?

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Ritika Sharma


Published on: 06 Jan 2023


Updated on: 02 Dec 2023


10 min



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It is a major conflict: black coffee against black tea. Each camp is certain that its preferred beverage is the best option for general well-being, but neither side is budging. Every day, new studies claim one has more health advantages than the other. Similar health advantages like weight loss, boosting energy, etc., have been noticed in both beverages. Some dietitians recommend both beverages for heart health as well. 

Attempting to make a call with so much information is challenging. So, what is the truth? Which one of these beverages is better for you, coffee or tea? To save you time, we scoured the information for you. So, read on to see which delicious drink comes out on top.

Table Of Contents

1. Black Tea And Its Origin

2. Coffee And Its Origin

3. Health Benefits Of Black Tea

4. Health Benefits Of Coffee

5. Caffeine Content

6. Which One Is Better?

7. The Final Say

8. FAQs

Black Tea And Its Origin

Tea consumption is not novel. Herbal teas that are naturally devoid of caffeine have been used for therapeutic purposes by many cultures for as long as we can track. However, the Camellia Sinensis tea plant is more easily identified as the source of true Chinese tea. According to folklore, tea was discovered in 2737 BC. However, the first historical evidence of its use dates back to the third century AD.

A cup of tea produced from the leaves of the tea plant is a tasty way to get your daily dose of caffeine, and the Chinese were the first people to discover this. Black tea, green tea, and oolong were all created during the 13th and 15th centuries. By thoroughly oxidising the leaves, black tea goes from green and fresh to dark and robust in flavour.

Coffee And Its Origin

Coffee was first consumed commercially in the late 15th century, and coffee bushes first appeared in Africa (the exact location is debated, but possibly Ethiopia). Contrary to popular belief, coffee beans are not the plant's leaves but their fruit. Because herbal teas are defined as any plant other than Camellia sinensis that is steeped in water, coffee might be considered an example of a herbal tea.

Regardless, coffee usually conjures up images of jolty mornings. Taking unfiltered coffee and developing the espresso machine in 1901 and the Moka pot in 1933, the Italians unquestionably made coffee their drink. While black coffee's popularity has not waned, iced milky drinks have. Popular coffee shops provide quick service and a wide variety of sugary drinks, including iced macchiatos, pumpkin spice lattes, and frappuccinos.

Health Benefits Of Black Tea

Regular black tea increases your odds of experiencing these benefits, but this drink is not a panacea. Besides the calming benefits of L-Theanine and the energising effects of caffeine, you probably will not notice any instant results.

Nevertheless, there are several advantages that tea consumers could enjoy. Elevated levels of antioxidants may be found in tea. Many chronic illness risks are reduced or eliminated when they are used. The three flavonoids in black tea may prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. Black tea's theaflavins, similar to coffee's theacrine, may help reduce bad LDL cholesterol. To aid in weight reduction, black tea may increase good bacteria in the digestive tract. 

Health Benefits Of Coffee

An analysis found that coffee drinkers received more positive feedback on their heart health than their non-coffee-drinking peers. In addition, several research suggests that coffee consumption benefits brain health. For example, antioxidants known as polyphenols may be abundant in coffee. The antioxidants in this food may aid your body's defences against free radicals. Furthermore, they may help protect your immune system from oxidative stress.

Caffeine Content

Black tea often has less caffeine than coffee per serving size. Therefore, black tea is popular since it is thought to have less caffeine than coffee. Still, many are startled to hear that it contains more caffeine than a shot of espresso.

The specific quantity of caffeine in your brew may vary. Still, two cups of black tea will often deliver the same energy as a strong six-ounce cup of coffee.

  • The caffeine content in a six-ounce cup ranges from 75 to 100 mg.
  • There is 50 mg of caffeine in a cup of black tea.
  • A single espresso shot is equivalent to 40 mg of caffeine.

Which One Is Better?

There is no clear winner between tea and coffee. Different from one another, tea and coffee each have health advantages for humans. Both drinks are good for you, and choosing between them depends on personal preference and specific needs. Black tea (or green tea!) is preferable to coffee if you are trying to slim down. Since coffee contains far more caffeine than tea, it is the apparent victor if you are looking for a strong jolt of energy. Extensive scientific evidence supports the use of both tea and coffee in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

If you attempt to reduce caffeine, tea is a healthy substitute for coffee. Caffeine in large amounts is harmful to your health in many ways. If you are trying to reduce caffeine intake, swapping out one or two cups of coffee for tea each day may do the trick. It might help calm your nerves while giving you a burst of energy to get through the day.

You may get the same positive health effects by drinking tea or coffee. Drink just black tea, only coffee, or both, depending on your tastes. Black tea and coffee are both fantastic when served chilled. Find some flavours that move you, make a cup, and raise it for your well-being.

The Final Say

Coffee and black tea have been linked to several metabolic benefits, including weight reduction and protection against chronic illness.

In addition, coffee's strong caffeine concentration may provide an immediate energy boost, while black tea's mix of caffeine and L-theanine provides a steadier stream of vitality over time. If you stick to the recommended serving sizes, you may safely enjoy these drinks without worry.


1. Can coffee be consumed every day?

Yes! Several health advantages have been attributed to regular coffee use. Keep an eye on your caffeine consumption. However, the FDA advises keeping it below 400 milligrammes daily.

2. What is the caffeine content in both tea and coffee?

On average, a cup of coffee has 96 mg of caffeine, whereas a cup of normal black tea has 47 mg.

3. Is black tea healthier than coffee?

The caffeine in tea and coffee provides several health advantages, some of which are shared by both beverages. Which one is better for your health depends on what you want to gain from it. Consuming drinks without milk and sugar will maximise the health benefits.

4. Are black tea and coffee similar?

Both have a similar taste. However, energy tea wins out over its competitors due to its high caffeine content, low agitation index, and adaptability.

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