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Custard Apple For Diabetes: Myths And Facts

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Written by:

Kajal Tharwani


Published on: 29 Mar 2023


Updated on: 28 Nov 2023


10 min



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India is known for its unique fruits and veggies. We get to enjoy a broad range of seasonal vegetables with each changing season, each of which is delightful and contains various healthy components. 

Custard apple is one such seasonal fruit. This tropical fruit is extensively grown in the early winters and is fleshy with a distinct taste, aroma, texture, and many black inedible seeds.

That is not everything! The creamy, sweet fruit is high in magnesium, fibre, vitamin C, and antioxidants and has a great flavour. Many people, however, are concerned about consuming fruit if they have diabetes, heart disease, or PCOD or are on a weight loss diet

Diabetics avoid custard apples because of their rich sweet taste and mushy texture. But on the other hand, it is considered excellent for diabetics because it has a low GI (Glycemic index) and does not elevate blood sugar levels.

What is true? Read to find the answer. 

Table Of Contents 

1. Nutritional Value Of Custard Apple 

2. Is Custard Apple Good For Diabetes? 

3. How To Add Custard Apple For Diabetes 

4. 6 Benefits Of Custard Apple For Diabetes

5. Facts And Myths About Custard Apple

6. Potential Side Effects Of Overconsumption  

7. Dietitian’s Recommendation 

8. The Final Say 

9. FAQs 

Nutritional Value Of Custard Apple 

Custard apples are high in fibre, minerals, and antioxidants, including vitamins C and  A, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, flavonoids, and carotenoids. Also, a sufficient carb supply delivers an instant energy boost.

100g of custard apple contains 

  • Calories- 101 kcal
  • Carbohydrates-  25.20 g
  • Protein- 1.70 g
  • Total Fat- 0.60 g
  • Dietary fibre-  2.4 g
  • Vitamin C- 19.2 mg
  • Sodium-  3 mg
  • Potassium-  382 mg
  • Calcium- 30 mg
  • Iron-  0.71 mg
  • Magnesium- 18 mg
  • Manganese- 0.093 mg

Is Custard Apple Good For Diabetes? 

Custard apple is considered safe for diabetics because it offers a variety of healthful and helpful elements and is highly antioxidant. Custard apple has a low glycemic index (GI) of 54, making it suitable for diabetics. It includes polyphenolic antioxidants, aiding blood sugar regulation by increasing insulin synthesis and glucose absorption. Custard apples have a high glycemic load as a result of this.

Packed with dietary fibre, a custard apple helps with digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer. This lowers the risk of diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels. 

Custard apples are best consumed after breakfast or lunch to satisfy hunger. They increase immunity, visual aid improvement, and enhance heart health. In addition, custard apples, which are high in potassium and magnesium, assist in keeping blood pressure in check. 

Custard apples provide polyphenolic antioxidants and are a low glycemic index fruit. They significantly increase insulin production and glucose absorption, thereby keeping diabetes under control. Diabetics should eat custard apples because they have a low glycemic index.

Custard apples have all these advantages, making them a good choice for diabetics. However, based on your type of diabetes, total blood sugar levels, overall health, age, and lifestyle variables, your diabetic healthcare team and dietician will be able to give you the best idea of how much custard apple is safe for you to take.

Here is how to tell the difference between a ripe or overripe custard apple and one that is still slightly raw or not quite as ripe:

  • A somewhat ripe custard apple will have a softer peel and appear lighter in colour overall.
  • An overripe custard apple's skin will be deeper in colour and tougher to peel.

How To Add Custard Apple For Diabetes? 

When ingested in moderation, the ripe fruit does not cause a surge in blood sugar levels. Cut it into thin slices or scoop it straight off the skin. Custard apples can also be mixed with yoghurt, porridge, or smoothies. Or else you can also include it:

  • For a healthy breakfast or snack, combine sliced custard apples with plain Greek yoghurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon
  • Custard apples can be pureed and added to smoothies or porridge for a nutritious boost.
  • Make a fruit salad with chopped custard apples, berries, and nuts for a filling and healthful dessert.

Custard apples for diabetes are great. It is preferable, however, to avoid drinking water after eating any fruit, especially custard apples. This can impair nutrient absorption, disrupt digestion, and increase acidity

Facts And Myths About Custard Apples

Facts And Myths About Custard Apples

Some of the most common misconceptions and facts about custard apples are as follows:

Myth 1- Avoid if diabetic

Fact-  It has a low glycemic Index and is local. Diabetics should eat seasonal fruits.

Myth 2- Avoid if fat

Fact-  As it is high in vitamin B complex, particularly vitamin B6, it helps to reduce fat and bloating.

Myth 3- Avoid if the heart patient

Fact-  As it is high in minerals such as manganese and vitamin C, it provides anti-ageing properties for the heart and circulatory system.

Myth 4- Avoid if you have PCOS.

Fact-  A good source of iron, it combats weariness and irritation and enhances fertility.

 6 Benefits Of Custard Apple For Diabetes

Cherimoyas, or custard apples, are high in antioxidants, fibre, and other minerals. As a result, it has several health benefits. Here are some benefits of custard apple for diabetes:

Benefits Of Custard Apple For Diabetes

1. Rich In Fibre

Custard apples contain a lot of fibre. Therefore, it can assist in reducing sugar absorption and managing blood sugar levels.

2. Antioxidant Content

Custard apple leaves contain antioxidants such as flavonoids, according to research. They have diabetes-fighting qualities.

It aids in the prevention of oxidative stress and inflammation. It also has antioxidants like vitamin C. As a result, it decreases oxidative stress and improves blood sugar control in diabetics.

3. Low Glycemic Index

Custard apples are low on the glycemic index. That means the body slowly absorbs them. As a result, they also do not produce a sudden rise in blood sugar levels. Instead, custard apples keep their blood sugar levels steady, preventing fluctuations.

4. May Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Some studies support eating foods with a high fibre content and a low glycemic index. In addition, it improves insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial to diabetics.

5. Controls Diabetes Symptoms

Custard apples have a low glycemic index but a high glycemic load. This is due to polyphenolic antioxidants, which greatly boost insulin synthesis and glucose absorption. As a result, blood sugar levels remain stable.

6. May Help Lower Blood Pressure

According to some research, custard apples are high in potassium and magnesium. As a result, it has a favourable effect on blood pressure. That is an important factor for diabetics. High blood pressure raises the risk of consequences, including heart attack and stroke.

Potential Side Effects Of Overconsumption 

Here are some side effects of overconsumption of custard apple for diabetes.  

  • Eating too many custard apples can contribute to weight gain. Heavy weight raises the risk of diabetes while also putting unnecessary strain on essential organs and bones
  • As the fruit is mostly fructose and glucose, eating too much of it might cause a blood sugar increase.
  • As the fruit may interact with some diabetes drugs, you should check the appropriate amount to ingest with your doctor.
  • Eat only the seeds and skin of custard apples. They contain hazardous substances that can impair the nervous system and brain function.

Dietitian’s Recommendation 

Custard apple for diabetes might be a healthy alternative if consumed in moderation throughout the winter season. This is because custard apples are high in vitamin C, an essential micronutrient. 

Custard apple also has a sufficient quantity of iron, potassium, and magnesium, which can aid in positively improving the amount of insulin produced in your body and help better manage your blood sugar levels.

-Dietitian Lavina Chauhan 

The Final Say 

Custard apples, with a glycemic index of 54, boost insulin production and help stabilise blood sugar, making them safe for diabetics. 

The fruit is high in antioxidants and minerals, which help to increase immunity, reduce inflammation, and promote heart health. Custard apples are available locally and are a fantastic supplement to any diet. It can be eaten raw or mixed into yoghurt or porridge to enhance the flavour.


1. How much and how frequently to consume custard apples?

A diabetic can consume 1 or 2 custard apples in a day. Ideally, it is recommended for diabetics post breakfast or lunch. 

2. Can diabetic patients eat custard apples?

Yes, the custard apple has a low glycemic index of 54, making it a good choice for diabetes. In addition, custard apple is good for digestion and boosts immunity for a diabetic.

3. What are the disadvantages of custard apples?

Consuming too many of these fruits simultaneously can result in surplus body fat and unhealthy weight gain. Moreover, the skin and mainly the seeds of sitaphal contain toxic compounds that can lead to grave complications of redness, skin allergies, and eye damage.

4. Does custard apple increase cholesterol?

Moreover, the fruit has fibre and niacin that helps reduce bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol in the body. It averts the free radicals from affecting lipids and helps prevent cholesterol absorption in the gut.

5. Is custard apple good for fatty liver?

Some studies show that eating custard apple leaves may benefit liver health. Fatty liver disease is a disorder caused by an imbalance in the production and metabolisation of fat in the body. This disease can be caused by lifestyle factors like diet, lack of exercise, and stress.

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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers. 

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