Healthy Noodles Recipe And Their Types



Published on: 19-Dec-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 05-Dec-2023




Kajal Tharwani


Healthy Noodles Recipe And Their Types

Healthy Noodles Recipe And Their Types

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Noodles are amusing, delicious, and healthy!

Noodles are the ultimate comfort food for everyone on lazy days and hectic work days, when you do not have time to prepare an elaborate meal. Noodles are popular in many parts of the world and can be prepared with various flours. 

Still, the version made with all-purpose flour(maida) is one of India's most popular fast foods. Among the many noodle-based street food dishes, some of most favourites are veg or chicken noodles, hakka noodles, chilli garlic noodles, and noodle rolls.

Noodles made from maida or all-purpose flour are high in sodium, which raises the risk of stomach cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Therefore, regularly consuming these noodles can be unhealthy and can invite severe medical conditions

Instant noodles can severely impact your blood pressure. Besides, they frequently lack fibre and protein and can result in weight gain and all associated diseases. However, by using the proper ingredients, the noodles can be made healthy.

Table Of Contents 

1. What Are The Types Of Noodles? 

2. Healthy Noodles Recipe 

3. Dietitian’s Recommendation 

4. The Final Say 

5. FAQs 

What Are The Types Of Noodles? 

Noodles come in textures, colours, and shapes and are the foundation for many Asian and Indian cuisine recipes. Let us look at some of the most common types of noodles.

1. Egg Noodles 

These noodles, also known as Chinese egg noodles, are one of the most common noodles used in Asian cuisine. The main ingredients in these noodles, which come in various shapes such as thick or thin, flat or round, fresh or dried, are egg and wheat. 

However, whether fresh or dried, egg noodles must be cooked in boiling water before they can be used in any recipe. Therefore, they are ideal for various dishes, including salads, soups, and main courses.

2. Ramen Noodles

It is a Japanese version of egg noodles. Ramen noodles are formed by egg and noodles and are dried to form a noodle cake. Ramen noodles need to be refrigerated until ready to use. Also, you need to consume it immediately once boiled. You can find these noodles mostly in soups.

3. Udon Noodles

Udon noodles are also popularly known as wheat flour noodles. It is an essential part of South Japanese cuisine and is available in varying thicknesses. 

Also, they need to be boiled thoroughly before use. It comes in instant, dried, pre-cooked options. Mainly these noodles are used for making soups.

4. Soba Noodles 

Soba noodles are most popular in the northern Japanese region and are brown and made of buckwheat. These noodles also require pre-boiling. It is generally used in both hot and cold dishes.

5. Mung Bean Noodles 

Mung bean flat noodles are primarily translucent and thread-like flat in appearance. They are also known as glass noodles, prepared using mung beans. Although they have a tough texture but get soft when immersed or boiled in water. One interesting fact about these noodles is that they get transparent after boiling and get puffed if fried.

7. Rice Noodles

Rice is used to make rice noodles. Despite being from China, rice noodles are the most widely consumed food in east, southeast, and south Asia. Raw rice noodles are brittle. They become translucent and chewy after cooking. 

They cook quickly and could become pulpy if overcooked. Noodles made from rice can be found in various sizes, shapes, and textures. However, because they are so perishable, fresh noodles have a limited shelf life. One benefit for those who are gluten intolerant is that they are gluten-free.

8. Hokkien Noodles 

Hokkein noodles are slightly yellow thick-textured noodles made with wheat and eggs. These noodles are used in many Asian delicacies and are sold cooked and lightly oiled. Stir-fried noodles, curry, and soup can all be made with it.

Healthy Noodles Recipe 

Here is the recipe for veggie noodles. These are tempting and healthy and will surely make you happy! 


  • Noodles(use healthy noodles)- 300 g 
  • Onion- 3tbsp, thinly sliced 
  • Ginger- 1tbsp, crushed 
  • Garlic- 1tbsp, thinly sliced
  • Carrot- 3 tbsp, thinly sliced 
  • French Green Beans- 3 tbsp, thinly sliced
  • Cabbage- 3tbsp, shredded
  • Black pepper- 1 tsp
  • Green onion- 2 tbsp, chopped 
  • Soy sauce- 1 ½ tbsp
  • Red chilli sauce- 1 tbsp
  • Green chilli sauce- 1tbsp
  • Salt, as per taste  

Preparation Method 

1. Water should be heated up in a pot. Noodles are added in two slabs. Boil the noodles until they are 90% done. It will probably take 3 to 4 minutes to complete this. The noodles should not be pasty, but they should break easily.

2. Filter the noodles. Add two tablespoons of oil.

3. To prevent the noodles from sticking to one another, coat them with oil. Add 2 tablespoons of oil to a pan or wok on high heat.

4. Stir in the onions after adding them.

5. Stir-fry the ginger and garlic for 30 seconds.

6. Stir-fry the carrots and French green beans for a minute.

7. Stir-fry the bell pepper for 10 seconds after adding.

8. Stir in the cabbage and cook for 10 seconds.

9. Add the pre-boiled noodles and combine thoroughly. Then, drizzle the entire sauce mixture over the dish.

10. Stir-fry for five minutes, adding salt as desired.

11. Stir-fry for five more minutes with the addition of black pepper powder, then top with spring onion greens.

Dietitian’s Recommendation 

Noodles are the favourite snack of children and even adults. We all like to have noodles, but it is not considered healthy. Still, you can add different varieties of vegetables, egg whites, chicken, tofu, etc., to make a healthy version. Besides, you can add noodles and cheat day meals to your weekly diet plans. 

The Final Say 

Noodles originated in China and are a staple food among the Asian population. It is readily appropriate for a variety of recipes. It is a decent snack, but it also has some drawbacks. If it contains MSG (monosodium glutamate), it could occasionally cause allergies and have adverse effects like headaches and nausea.


1. Are ramen noodles unhealthy?

Most ramen is high in carbs and starch as they are made with enriched wheat flour. But, at the same time, they lack any real nutritional value. Research by CFTRI shows consuming refined and overly processed starches can be bad for your health.

2. Are spaghetti and noodles the same?

No, both are different. Spaghetti is a type of pasta which resembles noodles. Although both spaghetti and noodles are long and cylindrical, noodles are thinner than spaghetti. Traditionally noodles are eaten with a chopstick, whereas a fork is used to eat spaghetti.

3. Do noodles come under a keto meal?

No, noodles are a starchy food. A keto diet is supposed to have very low or no carbs. Noodles made from rice are not keto-friendly since they are high in carbs. 

4. Which noodle is best for weight loss?

Shirataki noodles are an excellent substitute for traditional leaders. In addition, they are extremely low in calories, help you feel full and may be beneficial for weight loss. Not only that, but they also have benefits for blood sugar levels, cholesterol and digestive health.

5. Which is better, rice noodles or wheat noodles?

Rice noodles are lower in protein, fibre, sodium, and selenium than wheat noodles. However, they have a similar number of carbs. Notably, rice noodles have fewer calories than wheat noodles. But the only difference which makes wheat noodles a winner is the fibre content of wheat.

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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.   

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