How Do Hormones Impact Weight And Fat Storage?



Published on: 10-Sep-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 02-Nov-2023




Amrita Sandhu


How Do Hormones Impact Weight And Fat Storage?

How Do Hormones Impact Weight And Fat Storage?

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Did you know that hormones that regulate processes in our body can impact your weight and how your body stores fat? Read on to know all about it!

Hormones are secreted into our bloodstream by the glands of the endocrine system. The endocrine system collaborates with the neurological and immune systems to assist our body in adjusting to various situations and challenges. Obesity can result from hormonal imbalances or deficiencies, and obesity itself can cause hormonal imbalances. Our hunger, metabolism, and body fat distribution are influenced by the hormones like leptin and insulin, sex hormones, and growth hormone. 

These hormones are in higher amounts in obese people, which promotes an improper metabolism and the buildup of body fat.  A delicate balance of hormones is required to maintain a healthy weight for our unique bodily makeup. Once we understand the relationship between hormones and weight gain, we can take the proper steps to balance these hormones and lose weight sustainably.

Table of Contents

1. Primary Hormones Which Affect Weight And Fat Storage

1.1 Insulin

1.2 Leptin

1.3 Cortisol

1.4 Estrogen 

2. Other Hormones

3. The Final Say

4. FAQs

Primary Hormones Which Affect Weight And Fat Storage

1. Insulin

Impact Of Insulin On Weight

When it comes to weight gain and weight loss, insulin is one of the most crucial hormones. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, either stores blood sugar or uses it, depending on what your body requires. It enters the bloodstream as needed during the day. It enters the bloodstream to maintain steady blood sugar levels. Fat storage is one of its essential roles. Insulin determines how much fat will be stored and how much will be used for energy. It is vital to prevent this insulin imbalance since it causes weight gain and, eventually, type 2 diabetes. Obesity and metabolic syndrome are frequently undesirable results when insulin levels remain elevated for a long time.

Managing Insulin Levels

It is well-recognised that overeating, especially food that is bad for our bodies and minds, causes insulin resistance. Insulin’s functions get disturbed when we consume excessive amounts of processed carbs, sugar, and fast food. These raised insulin levels bring on both weight gain and low-grade inflammation. Therefore, restricting your intake of carbohydrates is also a good idea. A low-carbohydrate diet prevents metabolic syndrome and the associated insulin resistance. According to other research, taking omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish, drinking green tea, and getting enough protein help keep insulin levels in check.

2. Leptin

Leptin And Appetite

Leptin hormone is often referred to as the hormone that suppresses appetite. Leptin, which is produced in your fat cells, is what makes you feel full. Your brain can speak to it to let it know when you are hungry or full. When your leptin levels are in check, you will not overeat because you will feel satisfied for hours after eating a well-balanced meal. Have you ever noticed how quickly eating processed foods and sweets makes you feel hungry and deprived? This is because leptin resistance develops over time by consuming processed meals and trans fats.

Leptin Resistance And Management

Leptin levels rise as your body develops resistance. Once leptin levels have developed resistance, it is challenging to restore balance. Leptin resistance hampers communication between the hormone and the brain, so your brain does not understand you are full. What you put into your body affects everything in it, including leptin. You should consume less sugar because it can increase your body's leptin levels. Leptin resistance can also be avoided or reduced in the following ways:

  • Eating an anti-inflammatory diet
  • Consuming anti-inflammatory fish oil supplements
  • Establishing a regular exercise schedule
  • Regularly getting enough restorative sleep

3. Cortisol

Impact Of Cortisol On Weight

Cortisol, also referred to as the stress hormone, is produced by the adrenal glands. Cortisol is produced in the bloodstream anytime your body or mind considers itself under stress. The trouble is that we often feel stressed out, making our bodies produce more cortisol than is optimal. Have you ever realised how you tend to eat when stressed? Heightened cortisol is linked to overeating. Another study relates an increase in abdominal fat to elevated cortisol levels.

Managing Cortisol Levels

  • Consider what relaxes you, be it meditation, a walk, or a bath. Then, find what relieves stress for you and integrate it into your daily routine.
  • Regular exercise is essential, and if yoga is not already a component of your workout routine, consider adding it. Joint breathing exercises provide your body and mind with an intense workout while calming your nervous system and lowering cortisol.
  • Listen to music.
  • Get enough sleep at night. Have you ever noticed how easily stressed and anxious you become when you are sleep deprived? This occurs because your body attempts to balance all hormones, including cortisol, during a night of deep, restorative sleep.

4. Estrogen

Estrogen And Weight Gain 

Estrogen, made in the ovaries, is essential for the healthy operation of all female reproductive organs. In addition, estrogen encourages fat storage so that women can have healthy pregnancies. The proper quantity of fat aids in performing female reproductive activities when estrogen levels are balanced. However, weight gain commonly occurs when there is either insufficient or excessive estrogen.

Women who are overweight and those in the first trimester of pregnancy often have high estrogen levels.

Managing Estrogen Levels

To balance estrogen levels naturally and prevent the weight gain that happens with an estrogen imbalance, you would want to do the following:

  • Adopt a regular exercise schedule-Exercise decreases estrogen levels in obese women, according to numerous research.
  • Consume fibre-Consuming fibrous foods can help lower high estrogen levels.
  • Consume cruciferous vegetables-These include bok choy, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli.
  • Limit your contact with endocrine disruptors-Chemicals known as endocrine disruptors interfere with our body's natural hormonal processes. Avoid using BPA-containing water bottles, cans, or containers made of plastic. Avoid microwaving plastic.
  • When possible, buy organic foods, and pick phthalate-free cosmetics and personal care items.

You Can Also Read:  Effects Of Happy Hormone On Weight Loss 

Other Hormones


The nervous system and brain produce this hormone that stimulates hunger. Therefore, stress and hunger can cause a significant rise in NPY levels. Ensure you are eating protein and soluble fibre to keep your NPY levels in check.


When food is digested, GLP-1 is produced in the intestines. This gut hormone aids in maintaining blood sugar homeostasis and makes you feel full. Eat adequate protein, probiotics, leafy green vegetables, and anti-inflammatory foods to maintain appropriate GLP-1 levels.


GLP-1 and cholecystokinin (CCK) are similar. It is produced in the gut and promotes satiety. Eating heart-healthy fats, a lot of fibre, and enough protein at each meal will help you lose weight if you are struggling with it.


PYY is associated with appetite control in the gut. It must remain at relatively high levels to avoid overeating. Make sure your diet is high in protein and fibre and low in carbohydrates.

The Final Say

The hormones listed above are linked to body weight. Research suggests certain lifestyle habits can optimise levels of these hormones. See a healthcare professional if you feel your hormones may be at unhealthy levels. Pursuing a balanced diet, prioritising sleep, and exercising regularly may benefit your overall health.


1. How can I tell if I am insulin resistant?

  • Extreme thirst or hunger.
  • Increased or frequent urination.
  • Tingling sensations in hands or feet.
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent infections
  • High blood sugar levels in a blood test.

2. How can I tell I am leptin resistant?

The main symptoms of leptin resistance are constantly feeling hungry and increased food intake despite having adequate or excess body fat.

3. What supplements can help low estrogen levels?

Cohosh, Chasteberryand and Evening Primrose Oil.

4. Should I consume any hormone supplements every day for overall health?

Most supplements are safe to take, but some have side effects, so always consult a professional before starting a supplement course.


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