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Is Barley Good For Diabetics? Read To Know!

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Written by:

Shubhi Sidnis


Published on: 14 Mar 2023


Updated on: 30 Nov 2023


10 min



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Barley, or jau in Hindi, is an ancient grain that, while it may not have as high a score as its contemporaries, is packed with various health-benefiting properties. Many cultures in Southeast Asia and Europe have incorporated this lowly grain into their diet by cooking it into bread and porridge. 

A study performed at Sweden's University shows that those who consume barley regularly have a lower risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Also, similar to how drinking barley water can quickly improve health by lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

The high fibre content of barley aids in satiety for a longer period, decreasing the likelihood of snacking between meals and preventing untimely hunger pangs. D K Publishing's book "Healing Foods" claims to have several health benefits "barley is a fantastic medicinal grain with many uses. The high fibre content benefits digestion, and the low glycemic index is just one of many ways this food can help regulate blood sugar and lower the risk of diabetes."

Table Of Contents

1. The Nutritional Value Of Barley 

2. The Glycemic Index Of Barley

3. Why Is Barley Beneficial For People With Diabetes?

4. Ways To Include Barley Into Diet

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

The Nutritional Value Of Barley 

Barley, being a whole grain, contains a plethora of healthy nutrients. But, unfortunately, cooking causes a doubling in size. For this reason, read the food label with caution. Indeed, a GI of only 28 significantly helps in weight loss or reducing type 2 diabetes.

Several essential nutrients can be found in just 100 grams of uncooked hulled barley.

  • Carbohydrates- 74 g
  • Fibre- 17 g
  • Protein- 12 g
  • Fat- 2 g
  • Manganese- 97% of the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake)
  • Selenium- 54% of the RDI
  • Magnesium- 33% of the RDI
  • Phosphorus- 26% of the RDI
  • Copper- 25% of the RDI
  • Iron- 20% of the RDI
  • Zinc- 18% of the RDI
  • Calories- 350 kcal

The Glycemic Index Of Barley

A low GI value is characteristic of barley. The glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly a certain food item causes a spike in blood glucose levels. In point of fact, the glycemic index of 28 found in barley is considered to be the lowest among all whole grains.

Pearled barley, removed from the bran layer, has a GI score between 22 and 29. However, its GI value can reach 35 after being boiled for nearly an hour, when some of its fibrous husks will have been removed. Pearled barley is used to make rolled barley flakes, and these flakes have a GI rating of 66.

Why Is Barley Beneficial For People With Diabetes?

Barley that has not been processed contains significant amounts of its protective bran, endosperm, and nut insulin. As a result, blood sugar levels can be accomplished by lowering insulin and blood sugar levels by eating bread prepared from unprocessed barley kernels. In addition, it results in enhanced appetite management and increased insulin sensitivity.

Some reasons why barley is beneficial for diabetics include the following:

1. Rich In Fibre

Beta-glucan is a type of soluble fibre, and barley has an especially high concentration. According to one study, even kinds of barley that are pearled and rolled still contain 19 times more dietary fibre than rice that has been polished. Because of this benefit, barley can provide diabetic individuals with a meal that satisfies their hunger. 

According to the findings of another study, the high beta-glucan content of barley may be able to manage postprandial hyperglycemia in patients who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

2. Low Glycemic Index 

Barley is available in various forms, and the GI scores range from low to moderate. Barley kernels that have yet to be treated will never move out of the low GI range. Even the processed variety, pearled barley, maintains a reasonable range of quality.

3. Rich In Magnesium

One of the less well-known risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes is a magnesium shortage. It frequently results in glycemic profiles that need to be better regulated. 

Barley is an excellent source of magnesium in addition to being a good source of fibre. It contains roughly 133 mg of magnesium per every 100 g consumed. Hence, barley is an excellent choice for persons with type 2 diabetes who have a magnesium shortage.

Ways To Include Barley Into Diet

It is easy to incorporate barley into the diet despite making up only 0.36% of cereal grains. Barley can be purchased in a variety of forms, including:

Pearl barley has removed some of its bran and hull layers and has been partially steamed. As a result, this type of barley can be cooked in a shorter time than hulled barley. In addition, it has a lower nutritional density compared to hulled barley.

The form of barley known as hulled barley contains the entire grain. In this process, only the outer layer of the hull, which contains no edible material, is removed. As a result, it has a lengthier cooking time and a chewy texture than other forms of barley, and it also takes longer to prepare.

Barley flakes are made similarly to rolled oats by slicing and flattening the grain.  Compared to hulled barley, the cooking time for these grains is significantly reduced, but they offer fewer nutritional benefits. Individuals can substitute hulled barley for other whole grains such as oats, rice, quinoa, or buckwheat in their diets.

To prepare barley, first, remove the hulls from the grains by rinsing them under water. After that, you need to cook it using a ratio of one part barley to three parts water. Pearled barley is ready to eat after 30 minutes of cooking time. However, hulled barley needs an additional 60 minutes to become chewy.

The Final Say

People may use other whole grains instead of barley in their side dishes, salads, soups, or stews because barley is a grain that can be used in various applications. The fibre level of barley is quite high, and it also contains beta-glucan. 

It is believed to bring about a reduction in the levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. Moreover, it helps the digestive process. 

In terms of nutritional value, whole-grain, hulled barley is superior to its refined, pearled counterpart. Individuals are free to use any other whole grain in place of them. They may easily incorporate them into the meals that they prepare.


1. Is there a lot of carbohydrates in barley?

Barley is a cereal grain known for its distinctive flavour, which can be described as nutty, and its chewy consistency. Moreover, one cup (170 grams) of cooked barley has 6.5 grams of fibre and 41.5 grams of net carbohydrates. Barley is an excellent source of both of these nutrients.

2. Does barley contain a significant amount of carbohydrates?

Barley is a cereal grain well-known for its unusual flavour, which has been compared to nuts and chewy texture. One cup of cooked barley has 6.5 grams of fibre and 41.5 grams of net carbs. Barley is a good source of both nutrients. Both of these minerals can be found in quite high concentrations of barley.

3. What are some of the negative consequences of consuming barley?

A few people experience discomfort in the form of petrol, bloating, or a feeling of fullness after consuming barley. This, in general, decreases with the continued usage of it. In addition, some people have a hypersensitive reaction when they consume barley.

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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.  

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