Kishmish Benefits And Its Nutritional Value



Published on: 15-Sep-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 02-Nov-2023




Kajal Tharwani


Kishmish Benefits And Its Nutritional Value

Kishmish Benefits And Its Nutritional Value

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Your parents give you a handful of kishmish whenever you feel ill or weak. Do you know why? Because they are beneficial when it comes to boosting energy levels. 

You can not imagine how many benefits these tiny dry fruits contain. They are known as the powerhouse of nutrition, and indeed they are. Want to know how? Keep on reading! 

Table Of Contents

1. What Is Kishmish? 

2. Nutritional Value Of Kishmish 

3. 15 Health Benefits Of Kishmish 

4. Dietitian's Recommendation 

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs 

What Is Kishmish? 

Kishmish, also known as raisins, is delicious dry fruit. However, it has high sugar content (about 30% fructose and 28% glucose by weight). These are made by drying picked grapes and berries. The grapes are preserved for a long time to evaporate their water to make kishmish. 

Nutritional Value Of Kishmish 

Nutritional Value Of Kishmish

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the nutritional value of 40-50g of kishmish is: 

  • Calories - 129kcal 
  • Protein - 1.42g 
  • Fat - 0.11g 
  • Carbohydrates - 34.11g 
  • Sugar - 28.03g 
  • Dietary Fibre - 1.9g 
  • Vitamin C - 1mcg 
  • Calcium - 27mg 
  • Iron - 0.77mg 
  • Magnesium - 15mg 
  • Potassium - 320mg 
  • Phosphorus - 42mg 
  • Sodium - 11mg 

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15 Health Benefits Of Kishmish 

Health Benefits Of Kishmish

Kishmish is abundant with benefits! So, here we have its top 15 benefits that you should know. 

1. Kishmish contains calcium, which contributes to the strength of bones. 

2. Kishmish have antibacterial properties that lower the danger of fever and eradicates bacteria that could lead to illness. 

3. Kishmish is high in magnesium and potassium. Thus they help the body to get rid of toxins and reduce acidity. 

4. Iron and B complex vitamins in kishmish can help manage anaemia. 

5. Kishmish are loaded with fibres that help to regulate bowel motions. 

6. Kishmish helps prevent skin from sagging, renews the skin cells and speeds up the skin’s recovery from injury.

7.  Kishmish ensures healthy eyesight for a longer period. 

8. Kishmish is abundant with phytochemicals that protect teeth from decay and cavities. 

9. Kishmish helps to increase energy levels. 

10. Kishmish helps in blood pressure management. 

11. Kishmish have a  low glycemic index (GI) that helps to control blood sugar levels. 

12. Kishmish water helps to fight free radicals and increase the immune system. 

13. Kishmish has melatonin that helps them to fall asleep easily. 

14. Kishmish water helps to produce more nitric oxide (amino acid) 

15. Kishmish water makes the ageing process slow as it has antioxidants. 

Dietitian’s Recommendations 

It is advised to consume(10-15) raisins daily, especially before or after your workouts. As an alternative, they can be used to bring bursts of flavour and nutrition to salads, curries, rice meals, and of course, sweets.

-Dietitian Vajeda Rehman 

The Final Say 

The benefits of soaked kishmish water are incredible, making it a must-try detoxifying drink. But people with diabetes, sensitive stomachs, and allergies should take extreme caution when drinking raisin water.


1. Which kishmish is good for health?

Sultanas, also known as golden kishmish, are the best for overall health goodness. This is because it contains fibre, potassium, iron, flavonoids, and other essential minerals, which are great for our health.

2. Is it good to have kishmish every day? 

Kishmish is exceptionally rich in iron. Therefore, it helps treat anaemia by providing you with the daily recommended mineral intake.

A healthy intake of kishmish in your daily diet can save you from iron deficiencies. These are low in calories and are naturally sweet.

3. Is kishmish good for diabetes? 

Yes! You can eat raisins if you have diabetes. But, of course, this does not mean you should consume whole boxes of raisins whenever you want. 

Raisins are a fruit, and like other types of fruit, they include natural sugar. Therefore, it must be consumed in an appropriate amount. 

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