Papaya Leaf Juice: Boon In Dengue



Published on: 03-Dec-2022


10 min read




Ritika Sharma


Papaya Leaf Juice: Boon In Dengue

Papaya Leaf Juice: Boon In Dengue

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Among the most popular fruits, papaya (scientific name Carica papaya) is cultivated mainly in tropical climates. The health benefits of the yellowish-orange of fruit hue come from its high vitamin content. Moreover, due to its antibacterial characteristics and versatility, it may be utilised virtually any way you can imagine. 

Enzymes such as papain and chymopapain found in abundance in papaya make it a valuable tool in the fight against many medical conditions and are also effective in power detox. In addition, it efficiently combats dandruff and hair loss because of the alkaloid ingredient it contains. Vitamins A, C, E, K, and B are all abundant in the leaves.

Numerous papaya leaf-based remedies and health supplements are on the market.

Table Of Contents

1. Symptoms Of Dengue

2. Causes Of Dengue

3. What Is Papaya Leaves

4. Nutritional Benefits Of Papaya Leaves

5. Health Benefits Of Papaya Leaf Juice

6. Side Effects Of Papaya Leaf Juice

7. How To Use Papaya Leaf

8. Recipe Of Papaya Leaf Juice

9. The Final Say

10. FAQs

Symptoms Of Dengue

Many symptoms can be observed in a person suffering from dengue. Some of them are listed below:

  • An acute, high temperature
  • Acute and excruciating headaches
  • The twinges of pain behind my eyelids
  • Soreness in the muscles and joints to the point of disability
  • Fatigue and nausea
  • Vomiting
  • The rash might emerge between two to five days after the fever has subsided.
  • Very little blood loss (such as a nosebleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising)

Causes Of Dengue

One of four dengue viruses may cause dengue fever. Dengue fever is spread by the bite of a mosquito carrying the virus, which then multiplies in the host's blood. It is possible to become ill from the virus and your immune system's reaction to it.

This virus may eliminate components of your blood that aid in clot formation and vascular support. Internal bleeding and other immune system substances that induce blood vessel leakage may result from this. It is what causes potentially fatal dengue complications.

What Is Papaya Leaves?

Papaya is the tasty yellow fruit of a North American tree (Asimina triloba, family Annonaceae) with purple blossoms. Christopher Columbus is reported to have termed papaya the "fruit of the angels."

It has been shown that the papaya tree, as a whole, is good for your health, not just the fruit. It has long been known that eating this fruit is good for you, but only recently have the blossoms and leaves been recognised for their medicinal use.

Nutritional Benefits Of Papaya Leaves

The papaya fruit, with its seeds and leaves, is a rich source of essential nutrients. It contains the following nutrients:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, E, K
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium

Health Benefits Of Papaya Leaf Juice

Let us have a look at what all are the benefits we can get from papaya.

1. Treats Dengue

Symptoms of dengue fever are often treated with papaya leaf juice. Fever, exhaustion, headaches, nausea, skin rashes, and vomiting are typical dengue symptoms. In addition, having fewer platelets in the blood increases the chance of bleeding, which may be catastrophic if ignored.

It is among the most widely utilised treatments for dengue fever, even though there is currently no cure.

Across three trials involving hundreds of dengue patients, papaya leaf extract was shown to significantly increase platelet counts.

2. Balances Blood Sugar Levels

Blood sugar levels may be lowered, and diabetes treated with the help of papaya leaf juice. Researchers showed that the papaya leaf extract significantly reduced mice's blood sugar and antioxidant levels and can be a great food to manage diabetes. Put another way. It aids by preventing the damage and death of the pancreatic cells responsible for making insulin.

3. Aids In Digestive Health

Teas made from papaya leaves are traditionally used to treat gastrointestinal complaints, including bloating, gas, and heartburn. The high fibre content of the papaya leaf helps keep the digestive system in good working order. Constipation, heartburn, and IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) are some conditions that might benefit from this treatment.

There is no assurance that this will enhance your digestive health, and the research is confined to anecdotal observations. However, there is no harm in giving it a go.

4. Contains Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Internal and exterior inflammatory diseases, such as muscular pains and joint pain, may be alleviated with a papaya leaf treatment.

In research, arthritic rats had much less inflammation and oedema in their paws after being treated with papaya leaf extract.

5. Promotes Hair Growth

Papaya leaf juice applied to the scalp has been shown to improve hair health and development. Dandruff is caused by Malassezia, a fungus that may be eliminated with the help of papaya juice's antifungal capabilities.

6. Cures Cancer

Traditional medicine has successfully used papaya leaves to cure and prevent cancer. On the other hand, additional study is required to confirm the same. For example, in laboratory experiments, the juice significantly reduced the proliferation of prostate and breast cancer cells. Still, other investigations have not confirmed these results, either with humans or animals.

7. Cures Skin Problems

The papaya leaf juice is rich in vitamins A and C, which benefit skin health. In addition, the leaf has a greater concentration than the fruit. In addition to its antibacterial properties, papaya leaves may be used to treat a wide range of skin issues, including but not limited to ringworm, bed sores, acne, rashes, insect bites, and burns.

8. Prevents Malaria

Dengue fever may be effectively treated using papaya leaves, which can also be used to ward against malaria. Furthermore, malaria and other parasitic infections may be avoided because of a chemical called acetogenin, which is found in papaya leaves.

9. Boosts Immunity

The phenolic chemicals, papain, and alkaloids work together to improve the body's defences. Vitamins and antioxidants contribute to a healthy body. Several illnesses may be avoided thanks to vitamin C in papaya, which also boosts overall health. Eating a bowl of freshly diced papaya daily is a great way to maintain good health.

10. Aids Weight Loss

The papaya leaf juice has a low-calorie count and is packed with filling fibres. The dietary fibres aid in cleansing and speeding up the metabolic process, both of which are necessary for successful weight reduction. For their part, papaya seeds play a crucial function in weight reduction by blocking fat absorption.

11. Promotes Heart Health

In addition to lowering your chance of developing heart disease, the antioxidants and vitamins included in papaya leaf also help to maintain your heart in good working order. For example, the papaya leaf's vitamin C and potassium content aids in blood circulation and helps keep the arteries clean.

12. Eases Menstrual Pain

Inevitably, every woman will experience menstruation cramps. However, papaya leaves and seeds may alleviate the uterine contractions that cause these symptoms. Papain, an enzyme found in papaya, facilitates the release of blood from the uterus. It also effectively reduces the signs and symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Side Effects Of Papaya Leaf Juice

1. Unsafe For Pregnant Women

Evidence suggests that eating papaya during pregnancy might lead to miscarriages or stillbirths and harm a woman's fertility (contraception).

Drinking papaya leaf juice is not recommended for women since there is insufficient research to determine its safety.

As a result, you should avoid this juice.

2. Is A Potent Allergen

Do not take this leaf extract in any form if you are allergic to papaya fruit; doing so might lead to serious side effects such as hives, stomach pain, and nausea.

How To Use Papaya Leaf?

Here are a few guidelines on using papaya leaf extract:

  • As soon as possible after the onset of symptoms, including fever, headache, and body aches, a Dengue NS1 antigen test should be performed.
  • Dengue fever is probable if the Dengue NS1 antigen test returns positive.
  • Those who have been identified with Dengue fever should seek out conventional medical care without delay. The conventional treatment for Dengue should be supplemented with papaya leaf extract.
  • The administration of papaya leaf extract is feasible at any point in the progression of the illness. However, the administration should begin on the first day of the disease for the greatest benefits.
  • You may take syrup made from papaya leaf extracts three times a day, 30 millilitres (ml) each time before meals for adults and 5-10 ml before meals for children until you feel better. It is not recommended to interrupt therapy in the middle.
  • To counteract the harsh aftertaste of papaya leaf extract, try drinking a couple of glasses of cold water right after taking it.
  • If you know you have a Papaya allergy, you should not consume Papaya leaf extract.

Recipe Of Papaya Leaf Juice

Papaya Leaf Juice contains many health benefits; hence, it can be easily consumed as a juice. Here is the recipe for papaya leaf juice.


  • 5 fresh papaya leaves
  • 1 cup water

Preparation Method

1. Collect ripe papaya leaves from a fruiting tree to ensure your supply is fresh and healthy.

2. Leaves must be washed under cold running water and then chopped into tiny pieces, stems excluded (not necessary to remove the small stems in the leaves).

3. Place fifty grammes of papaya leaves into a mortar and pestle.

4. Combine 25 g of sugar with 50 ml of cooled, boiling water.

5. To get a homogenous pulp, pound the following ingredients together for 15 minutes.

6. For the next 30 minutes, this pulp should be well-mixed and stored.

7. You may acquire the extract from the papaya leaves by squeezing this pulp (do not use a cotton sieve to extract the juice).

8. You may keep this mixture at 4 degrees Celsius (the refrigerator's coldest setting) for a whole day.

9. Before administering the preparation, shake the bottle well.

The Final Say

The fruit, seeds, and even the papaya tree leaves are harvested for their many culinary and therapeutic applications, making it one of the most frequently grown plants in the world. For example, consuming papaya leaf as an extract, tea, or juice has alleviated dengue fever symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory, regulating blood sugar, skin and hair strengthening, and cancer warding are prominent applications. However, it is still being determined whether it is helpful for one of these uses since there is insufficient evidence.

If you have an allergy to papaya, you should avoid papaya leaves; otherwise, they are relatively harmless. Always with your healthcare practitioner before adding any natural medicines to your wellness and fitness programme.


1. Can papaya leaf be boiled?

Tea, juices, and other beverages may be made by boiling papaya leaves. The leaves of papaya should be washed, the stem removed, the leaves coarsely chopped, the leaves boiled, and the liquid strained.

2. Does the papaya leaves increase WBC?

Researchers found that patients with dengue who drank juice extracted from papaya leaves increased platelet, and white blood cell counts.

3. Is it safe to drink the juice extracted from papaya leaves regularly?

When combined with conventional treatment, Papaya leaf juice may successfully alleviate dengue fever and malaria symptoms. In addition, papaya leaf juice could help those with compromised immune systems. It is safe enough to ingest daily and has been shown to boost immunity.

4. Is there anything wrong with trying papaya leaf juice?

For medicinal purposes, papaya leaf extract may be safe for up to five days. Nausea and vomiting are among the probable adverse reactions. There is concern that eating papaya before it is fully ripe might be harmful.

5. How would papaya leaf juice impact the liver, if at all?

Improved liver function is one of the benefits of using papaya leaf extract. Cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, and other chronic liver disorders, including jaundice, may all benefit from the medicinal properties of the juices. As a result, the liver is naturally detoxified and cleansed of harmful substances.


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