Raw Sugarcane Juice: Benefits And Recipes



Published on: 12-Nov-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 02-Nov-2023




Amrita Sandhu


Raw Sugarcane Juice: Benefits And Recipes

Raw Sugarcane Juice: Benefits And Recipes

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Did you know that sugarcane juice is a blend of fructose, sucrose and other glucose varieties? Hence, it is sweet to taste, and the sugar extracted from this juice contains just 15 calories and has no fats! Read on for more.

Raw sugarcane juice is commonly consumed in India, Latin America, North Africa, and Southeast Asia. Raw Sugarcane juice contains sucrose, fibre and water. After Brazil, India grows most of the sugarcane. 

Sugarcane juice is obtained by compressing the raw sugarcane. It is a drink for summer that works as a coolant to the body and provides freshness. The Indian sugarcane producers are Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Pondicherry, Gujarat, Goa, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh.

Table Of Contents

1. Nutritional Value Of Raw Sugarcane Juice 

2. Things To Remember When Consuming Raw Sugarcane Juice

3. Health Benefits Of Raw Sugarcane Juice

4. Raw Sugarcane Juice Recipe

5. Dietitian’s Recommendations

6. The Final Say

7. FAQs

Nutritional Value Of Raw Sugarcane Juice 

There are just 180 calories in an 8-ounce serving of sugarcane juice without any other ingredients, which is very little. It contains 30g of natural sugar and is a wholly organic beverage. As a result, you do not need to add more sugar to make the food sweet.

Each serving of raw sugarcane juice has 13g of dietary fibre, which is necessary for performing several bodily processes.

Per 100ml of raw sugarcane juice contains

  • Calories - 78 kcal
  • Carbohydrates - 21.14g
  • Potassium - 12mg
  • Sodium - 44mg
  • Sugar - 7.27g

Things To Remember When Consuming Raw Sugarcane Juice

1. It might appear most convenient to sip sugarcane juice from a roadside stand. However, it could cause diarrhoea or Chagas disease if made in unsanitary circumstances. This is because sugarcane juice is the finest environment for microbes to reproduce.

2. Never consume sugarcane juice left out of the refrigerator for longer than 15 minutes, as it could harm your stomach and intestines.

3. Make sure the vendor from whom you intend to purchase the beverage does not use excessive amounts of oil to operate its crushing equipment because this oil might harm your health.

4. If you have jaundice, only drink two glasses of sugarcane juice daily. Otherwise, anything in excess can harm your body.

Health Benefits Of Raw Sugarcane Juice

Here, we have listed a few benefits of raw sugarcane juice. 

1. Helps With Jaundice

Consumption of raw sugarcane juice helps to strengthen the liver and cures liver infections.  This juice contains many antioxidants, which help fight infectious bacteria. Also, raw sugarcane juice helps increase the lost protein count in the body due to jaundice.

2. Boosts Energy

Raw sugarcane juice contains fructose and sucrose, which rapidly boost energy levels and hydrate the body. It replenishes the body’s energy flush and lowers fatigue caused due to summer heat.

3. Promotes Better Digestion

Raw sugarcane juice contains potassium which helps to balance the stomach PH and increase the secretion of juices (digestive) in the gut and also helps to combat constipation.

4. Diuretic In Nature 

Raw sugarcane juice helps in the detoxification of the body as it contains some diuretic properties and also prevents kidney stones and UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) and promotes better functioning of the kidneys.

You Can Also Read: What Is Detoxification? Its Types And Benefits 

5. Anti-Ageing Properties

Raw sugarcane juice contains flavonoids, phenolic acid and antioxidants, which keep the skin hydrated and moisturised and make the skin glowing and plump. It may reduce the signs of ageing, like fine lines, with regular consumption.

6. Boosts Immunity

Raw sugarcane contains vitamin C, which works as an antioxidant and boosts immunity by keeping infections away. Also, it can help combat breast cancer and prostate cancer.

7. Fever-Reducing Properties

Raw sugarcane helps to replenish the body with lost protein. It helps to boost recovery faster by boosting immunity and provides energy, as in fever, people tend to have fatigue and tiredness.

8. Aids Tooth Decay

Raw sugarcane juice contains phosphorus and calcium, strengthening the teeth and enamel. Also, it helps to get rid of bad breath due to tooth decay.

Raw Sugarcane Juice Recipes

1. Ginger Sugarcane Juice

Fresh sugarcane juice with a hint of ginger and black pepper.


  • Sugarcane juice (fresh)- 200ml
  • Grated ginger- 1 inch
  • Black pepper powder- ⅓  tsp
  • Lemon juice- 1 tsp

Preparation Method 

1. Mix black pepper powder, lemon juice and grated ginger together. 

2. Add to the sugarcane juice.

3. Keep it in the refrigerator for 5 minutes and serve chilled.

2. Sugarcane Juice Sorbet

A minty and slushy version of sugarcane juice.


  • Raw sugarcane juice - 200ml
  • Mint leaves - 4-5 leaves 
  • Ginger juice - 2 tsp
  • Lemon - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp

Preparation Method

1. Put all the ingredients together and mix well until the sugar gets dissolved.

2. Pour it into a container and freeze it for 5-6 hours in a freezer.

3. Now, take it out and blend roughly. It should look slushy (thick icy consistency).

4. Serve it in a glass and garnish it with mint leaves.

3. Heat Warmer Juice

A blend of sugarcane and pomegranate along with some watermelon. 


  • Sugar cane juice (fresh) - 200ml
  • Watermelon chopped in cubes - 1 cup
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Pomegranate seeds - ⅓ cup
  • Chopped ginger for garnishing

Preparation Method 

1. Blend all the fruits with sugar cane juice

2. Now add the lemon juice mix well and pour it into a glass and serve by garnishing it with ginger.

You Can Also Read: 14 Benefits Of Butter Fruit Juice

Dietitian’s Recommendations

Raw sugarcane juice is a boon for summer. It hydrates the body and provides ample energy to beat the heat while providing nutrients essential for the body. Raw sugarcane juice is great for pregnant women as it contains a good amount of calcium, antioxidants, vitamin B complex, and folic acid, which helps to prevent neural disabilities in babies. Therefore, you can happily add this to your healthy diet during pregnancy. 

Also, make sure you drink sugarcane juice by adding lemon juice to it because it contains iron, and vitamin C of the lemon is a carrier that helps absorb iron into the body. So, for better iron absorption, always drink sugarcane juice by adding lemon. 


- Dietitian Akshata Gandevikar

The Final Say

Sugarcane juice is a great option to consume during summer as it is easily available and helps curb the heat while providing hydration to the body. It is commonly called an energy booster as it contains sucrose and fructose, providing energy to the body. 


1. How long does sugarcane juice last?

Sugarcane juice goes bad very soon, so it is advised to consume freshly made juice within 15-30 minutes.

2. Can sugarcane juice be consumed if I have a cold?

Yes! Sugarcane can be consumed during a cold as it helps provide hydration to the body. During a cough or cold, our body loses many liquids, so sugarcane juice is very beneficial for replenishing the lost water.

3. Can sugarcane juice curb acidity?

Yes, sugarcane juice acts as a coolant, as sugarcane juice is alkaline.

4. Can sugarcane juice be consumed on an empty stomach?

Yes, you can drink sugarcane juice empty stomach but do not add sugar to it as it will spike blood sugar if consumed on an empty stomach.

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