What Causes Excessive Hunger? The Factors Behind

Medical Condition


Published on: 11-Apr-2023


10 min read


Updated on : 28-Nov-2023




Shubhi Sidnis


What Causes Excessive Hunger? The Factors Behind

What Causes Excessive Hunger? The Factors Behind

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It is a sign that your appetite has grown if you want to eat more frequently or in larger quantities than usual. But consuming more calories than your body needs can cause you to gain weight in the long run.

After engaging in strenuous physical activity or other activities, it is natural to experience increased appetite. But you see a significant rise in your hunger that lasts for a considerable time. In that case, it may signify that you are suffering from a serious ailment, such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism.

Alterations in appetite and excessive food consumption have been linked to various mental health issues and can trigger many medical conditions, including depression, anxiety, and stress. 

The term "hyperphagia" or "polyphagia" might be used by your physician to describe your excessive hunger. The underlying cause of your problem will determine the most appropriate treatment for you.

Table Of Contents

1. Why Are You Constantly Feeling Hungry? 

2. 7 Causes Of Excessive Hunger

3. The Final Say

4. FAQs

Why Are You Constantly Feeling Hungry? 

Why Are You Constantly Feeling Hungry

After two hours have passed since your last meal, you will likely experience feelings of hunger for the first time. Bodily manifestations of emotional hunger are completely absent. During this time, you may have an intense desire for particular meals. Zumpano believes that approximately 90 percent of us practice emotional eating.

"If you say, 'I want chocolate,' you just want chocolate. It is not hunger if all you want is a bag of chips. "Most of the time, you are looking for food, but eating does not satisfy you because you are trying to satisfy an emotional need."

7 Causes Of Excessive Hunger

Causes of Excessive hunder

If you go several hours without eating, it is natural to experience feelings of hunger because your body gets energy from your food. On the other hand, if your stomach grumbles all the time, even after you have eaten, this could be a sign that something is wrong with your health.

Polyphagia is the clinical word for an excessive state of hunger. Visit a physician if you find that you are perpetually hungry.

ToneOp enlists a variety of factors that can cause hunger.

1. Sleep Deprivation

If you do not get enough sleep, it can affect the hormones in your body that regulate hunger. People who do not get enough sleep tend to have a larger appetite and difficulty feeling full after eating. When you are worn out, you are more prone to crave fatty foods. 

2. Stressfulness

Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the body whenever tension or anxiety occurs. So, naturally, this makes you feel even hungrier than you already were.

When under pressure, many crave foods heavy in sugar, fat, or both. Your body may be trying to "turn off" the part of your brain that is responsible for causing you to be anxious.

3. On Going Medication

A greater appetite than usual may accompany the use of certain medicines. Antihistamines, used to treat allergies, are recognised for this, as are antidepressants called SSRIs, steroids, certain diabetes medications, and antipsychotic meds. Antipsychotic drugs are also known for this.

Suppose you have seen a change in your weight since beginning a new medication. In that case, the medication may be causing you to feel hungry. Talk to your physician about trying other medicines to treat your condition.

4. Diabetes

Your body converts the sugar in the food into a fuel called glucose. However, if you have diabetes, glucose cannot enter the cells in your body. So instead of eliminating it through urine, your body will advise you to eat more food.

People who have type 1 diabetes, in particular, can consume substantial quantities of food while yet maintaining or achieving a healthy body weight.

5. Low Blood Sugar

Hypoglycemia is a condition that occurs when the amount of glucose present in the body falls to dangerously low levels. People who have diabetes frequently worry about this issue. 

Still, it can also be brought on by various other health conditions. These conditions include hepatitis, kidney problems, neuroendocrine tumours in the pancreas (also known as insulinomas), and issues with the adrenal or pituitary glands.

6. Low-Fat Diet

Fat is essential to maintaining fullness in the body. This is due, in part, to the fact that it has a delayed gastrointestinal transit time, which means that it requires more time to be digested and stays in your stomach for a considerable amount of time. In addition, eating fat may cause the body to release several hormones that promote satiety.

If your diet is low in fat for any of these reasons, you may experience hunger more frequently.

Compared with a group with a low-carb diet, individuals who followed a low-fat diet were shown to have significant increases in cravings for carbohydrates and preferences for high-sugar meals, according to a study that included 270 adults who were obese.

7. Pregnancy

A significant increase in hunger is a common experience among expecting mothers. Your body is doing this as a precaution to ensure the developing baby receives adequate nutrition.

The average weight increase for a pregnant woman is between 4 and 6 pounds in the first three months of pregnancy (what your physician will refer to as the first trimester) and then 1 pound per week in the second and third trimesters. You can refer to a guide to a healthy diet during pregnancy, which states that even if you consume more food, you consume healthily.

The Final Say

Your body is trying to tell you it needs more food when you feel it cannot eat enough.

In most cases, it results from an imbalance in the hormones that control appetite, which can be caused by various factors, including particular lifestyle behaviours and an inadequate diet.

If your diet lacks protein, fibre, or fat, which promotes fullness and reduces appetite, you may experience hunger more frequently. Additionally, little sleep and persistent stress might manifest themselves as extreme hunger.

You can also try practising mindful eating, a technique that seeks to reduce distractions, heighten your focus, and decrease your chewing to assist you in recognising when you are no longer hungry. This can be helpful if you eat too rapidly or are preoccupied.


1. What does extreme hunger feel like?

If you are hungry, your stomach might "growl" and feel empty. You might also develop a headache, anger, or an inability to concentrate on what you are doing. Although most people can go for several hours without eating before they start to feel hungry again, this is only the case for some.

2. How do you satisfy your hunger if you do not eat?

Here are a few ways to satisfy your hunger. 

  • Aside from modifying your food, one strategy that can help you feel less hungry is increasing your time sleeping.
  • Maintaining an adequate level of hydration.
  • Decreasing levels of stress.
  • Putting into practice several methods of mindful eating

3. How long does it take to reach the point of acute hunger?

It may be quite some time before your levels of appetite return to what is considered "normal." Unfortunately, there is no way to estimate how long someone will be in intense hunger. It is possible that it will not last more than a few weeks for some folks.

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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers. 

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