Can We Drink Water After Eating Banana? Read Ahead To Find The Answer To This Burning Question!



Published on: 03-Jul-2024


10 min read




Anvesha Chowdhury


Can We Drink Water After Eating Banana? Read Ahead To Find The Answer To This Burning Question!

Can We Drink Water After Eating Banana? Read Ahead To Find The Answer To This Burning Question!

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It is probably just an Indian thing where you are asked not to drink water or any aerated drink right after you eat a banana. The topic of whether it's best to have water or any aerated beverage right away after consuming a banana frequently raises questions about the ways how various meals impact digestion. Bananas are a popular, nutrient-rich fruit that provides essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre, making them an excellent choice for a healthy snack and a quick energy boost. They support digestive health and heart function and can even enhance mood due to their tryptophan content. 

Despite all these benefits, however, imagine you've just enjoyed a delicious banana and feel pretty good about your healthy snack choice. But then, you reach for a glass of water, and suddenly, you hear a voice in your head (or maybe it's your grandmother's voice) warning you about the perils of mixing the two. Will you suffer from indigestion, bloating, or even worse—banana-water syndrome? (Okay, we made that last one up, but you get the point.)

Myths about how quickly nutrients are absorbed from food or possible digestive problems are the leading causes of concerns when drinking water right after a banana. And in this informative exploration, we'll look at the science behind the warnings, what nutrition experts have to say, and whether you really need to worry about your post-banana hydration habits. Keep reading to find the answer: Can we drink water after eating banana?

Table Of Contents

1. Can We Drink Water After Eating A Banana? 

2. Can We Drink A Cold Drink After A Banana?

3. 10 Health Benefits Of Eating A Banana

4. Dietitian’s Recommendation

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References

Can We Drink Water After Eating A Banana?

To break the long-term myth, yes, you can drink water after eating a banana, but it is often recommended to wait a bit. However, no strong scientific proof exists that drinking water right after eating a banana is harmful. It depends on how your body feels. If you do not have any issues, avoiding drinking water after eating a banana is unnecessary. But we can avoid drinking water immediately after eating a banana for the following reasons:

  • Digestive Comfort: Drinking water immediately after eating a banana can sometimes dilute stomach acid, which might cause bloating or indigestion for some people.

  • Temperature Balance: In Ayurveda, bananas are seen as slightly warming, while water, especially if it is cold, is cooling. Consuming them disrupts digestion and causes minor issues like a cold or cough.

Also Read: Elachi Banana: Benefits And Ways To Include In Your Diet 

Can We Drink A Cold Drink After A Banana?

Drinking a cold drink right after eating a banana is generally safe, but it can cause digestive discomfort for some people. The following could be the reason:

  • Bananas are rich in starch, and combining them with a cold drink might slow digestion, leading to bloating or a heavy feeling in the stomach.

  • The cold temperature can inhibit digestive enzymes and reduce stomach acidity, making it harder for the body to break down the banana efficiently.

  • One theory suggests that bananas contain protein and cold drinks contain carbon dioxide. In the warm stomach, the cold drink's gas bubbles escape and mix with the banana's protein, creating expanding foam. A burp would not be enough to release it, so the body needs to vomit to remove the foam because the stomach cannot hold it all.

Hence, waiting a while before having a cold drink after eating a banana might be better!

Also Read: Home Remedies For Bloated Stomach & 25 Expert Tips | ToneOp 

10 Health Benefits Of Eating A Banana

Bananas are a favourite fruit worldwide, not just because they taste great, but because they come with various health benefits backed by science. Here is why adding bananas to your diet is a smart choice-

1. Nutrient Powerhouse

Bananas are a powerhouse of nutrients. They offer a healthy dosage of vitamin B6, essential for neurotransmitter synthesis and brain function, and vitamin C, which boosts immunity. They also contain a lot of potassium, vital for controlling blood pressure and preserving healthy cardiac function.

2. Natural Energy Boost

Bananas are an excellent source of natural sugars—glucose, fructose, and sucrose—which provide a quick energy boost. This makes them an ideal snack for athletes or anyone needing a quick snack. The fibre content also ensures a more sustained energy release than refined sugars.

3. Digestive Health

Bananas' high fibre content facilitates regular bowel motions and assists with digestion. They contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fibre slows digestion and can help control blood sugar levels, while insoluble fibre adds bulk to the stool, aiding in its passage through the digestive tract.

4. Heart Health

Bananas contain potassium, which is critical for cardiovascular health. Potassium helps balance out sodium's adverse effects, lowering blood pressure. This reduces the strain on the heart and minimises stroke and heart disease risk.

5. Weight Management

Bananas are low in calories but rich in fibre, making them a filling snack that can help with weight control. The fibre in bananas slows digestion and helps you feel full longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Also Read: Let's Clear The Doubt Whether Banana Is Good for Weight Loss Or Not!

6. Mood And Stress Relief

Tryptophan, an amino acid found in bananas, is transformed by the body into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood. Higher serotonin levels can lead to improved mood and reduced feelings of stress and anxiety.

7. Exercise Recovery

Bananas are a great snack before and after exercise. Their carbohydrate content helps replenish muscle glycogen stores, while the potassium helps prevent muscle cramps and supports recovery. You can also try banana chips, which are a much healthier alternative to commercially produced ones. 

8. Bone Health

Bananas contribute to bone health through their potassium and magnesium content. These minerals help neutralise the body's acid load, reducing calcium loss and strengthening bones. Additionally, vitamin C in bananas aids collagen production, essential for bone strength.

9. Antioxidant Benefits

Antioxidants like dopamine and catechins, abundant in bananas, aid in the body's fight against oxidative stress. This lowers inflammation and the chance of developing long-term conditions like heart disease and some types of cancer.

10. Skin Health

Bananas contain vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C and manganese, which support healthy skin. Vitamin C aids in collagen production, keeping the skin firm and elastic, while antioxidants protect against skin damage from free radicals.

Also Read: Banana: Nutritional Value And Health Benefits

Dietitian’s Recommendation

As a dietitian, I suggest not having water or any drink right after eating a banana as it would not be required because bananas are alkaline, and there will be an urge to drink anything after eating them. Avoid drinking hard or soft drinks after eating bananas, as they will hinder the absorption of nutrients and disturb the pH balance in the stomach required for digestion. It is best to drink water at room temperature and pay attention to how your body reacts. Most people, however, can enjoy both without any issues. Although drinking water after eating a banana is usually okay, some people may have mild upset stomachs, especially with cold water, as it can slow digestion.

Dt. Aditi Upadhyay 

The Final Say

So, can we drink water after eating a banana? Spoiler alert: there's no need to ditch your H2O after a delicious potassium punch! While the internet may be rife with banana-water myths, research suggests hydrating alongside your favourite fruit is perfectly fine. However, just for your comfort, how about we hold onto a few minutes before our stomach gives the green light to guzzle some water and conquer your day – worry-free!


1. What's the best time to eat bananas?

Bananas are best enjoyed as a snack or part of a meal during the day, but they are suitable for consumption at any time, depending on your preferences and dietary requirements.

2. Are bananas OK to eat at night?

While eating bananas at night is generally fine, it is essential to consider your body's reaction to food before bedtime, particularly if you experience digestive issues or acid reflux.


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