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Effective Home Remedies For Bloated Stomach And 25 Expert Tips for Fast Relief and Comfort!

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Written by:

Anushka Tripathi


Published on: 23 Apr 2024


10 min



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Gas and bloating problems are widespread in people over 40. Bloating, a sensation of abdominal fullness and tightness is a common yet uncomfortable experience affecting millions worldwide. 

In population-based studies in both Western and Eastern countries, it has been reported that one in six to one in five healthy individuals experience bloating. However, this prevalence increases dramatically among patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), with up to 96% of them reporting bloating.  

Furthermore, 60% of these patients rate bloating as their most distressing symptom, even more so than abdominal pain. Gas and bloating can cause severe abdominal pain, headaches, and constipation. A person may experience gas formation and bloating several times throughout his life. Eating fried, processed, canned, and fatty foods can cause gas and bloating problems.    

In this blog, we will discuss the best home remedy for a bloated stomach that people use to get rid of gas instantly. We will also discuss some essential tips for gastric home remedies recommended by experts. Keep reading to learn more! 

Table Of Contents  

1. What Is A Bloated Stomach?  

2. How To Get Rid Of Bloating Fast?  

3. How To Get Unbloated In 5 Minutes Home Remedy?  

4. What Can I Drink To Reduce Stomach Bloating?  

5. 25 Tips On Home Remedies For Bloating  

6. Dietitian’s Recommendation 

7. The Final Say  

8. FAQs  

9. References   


What Is A Bloated Stomach?  

Bloating is often a feeling of tightness, pressure, or fullness in the abdomen. It may or may not be accompanied by noticeable bloating (swelling).  

Bloating is different from fat accumulation in the abdomen. Gas builds up around the stomach, causing it to bulge outwards in an unpleasant way. In most cases, these uncomfortable feelings can be managed with a few changes to your lifestyle and eating habits. If bloating does not go away, you should seek medical help or try a home remedy for bloated stomach.   

How To Get Rid Of Bloating Fast?  

Following a home remedy for bloated stomachs is not only easily accessible but also effective. Some of the best remedies for bloated stomachs that can relieve you in a few minutes are:  


1. Drink Herbal Teas  

Peppermint, ginger, and chamomile have anti-bloating properties due to their ability to soothe the digestive system. Chamomile, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, reduces swelling and bloating and promotes relaxation. The warmth of herbal teas for digestive health further aids in easing discomfort by relaxing the body. 

2. Take Antacids  

Antacids provide relief by neutralising stomach acid and reducing inflammation in the digestive tract. These medications often contain simethicone, which helps break down smaller gas bubbles, making it easier for gas to pass through the digestive system. Antacids can effectively ease bloating and promote digestive comfort by alleviating gas buildup and discomfort. 

3. Try Peppermint Oil   

Peppermint oil capsules are a natural remedy for bloated stomachs, removing blockages and gas. Particularly beneficial for issues related to dysmotility, peppermint oil capsules help relax the gastrointestinal tract muscles, promoting smoother digestion and relieving bloating. Incorporating this natural remedy into your routine can relieve bloating and digestive discomfort. 

How To Get Unbloated In 5 Minutes Home Remedy?  

Here are simple yet effective home remedies for a bloated stomach in less than 5 minutes. Try one of these treatments for bloating:  

1. Apple Cider Vinegar   

How do you relieve bloating quickly? Mix one small cup of apple cider vinegar with one cup of water and drink it. This traditional home remedy for bloated stomachs eliminates abdominal bloating in just five minutes.   


This effective home remedy for bloating has no health side effects. It is said that ACV reduces postprandial blood sugar levels in healthy people, although there has been controversy as to whether this can be explained by delayed gastric emptying.  

2. Carbonated Drinks  

If you feel unpleasant abdominal bloating after overeating, add around half a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink it. Be careful because consuming too much baking soda can cause an upset stomach. If you don’t know how to get rid of bloating caused by soda, consider replacing it with water.    

3. Turmeric   

Turmeric is one of the best home remedies for a bloated stomach that offers many health benefits. If you feel bloated after a meal, mix a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm water or milk. Drink it slowly, and you will notice relief from abdominal bloating within a few minutes. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties may relieve menstrual bloating. Turmeric is one of the foods that also helps with abdominal distension.   

4. Fennel   

Fennel seeds are another go-to home remedy for a bloated stomach. Served with an after-dinner meal, they improve digestion and are an excellent remedy against abdominal bloating. Soak these seeds in a glass of water and say goodbye to bloating.    

5. Coriander Seeds   

Like fennel seeds, coriander seeds are also beneficial home remedies for a bloated stomach and the digestive system. So, if you don’t have fennel seeds at home, you can use coriander seeds. They, too, will do amazing things.  

What Can I Drink To Reduce Stomach Bloating?  

Here are some simple drinks or home remedies for a bloated stomach that can quickly help reduce bloating, improve metabolism, and improve overall digestive health:  

1. Kefir   

Kefir, a fermented milk drink rich in probiotics, helps aid digestion and relieve bloating. The beneficial microorganisms within them help break down food in the intestines, reducing gas, bloating and other digestive problems. Kefir also promotes a balanced gut microbiome, essential for overall digestive health. People consumed the probiotic strain found in kefir daily for three weeks and saw a reduction in abdominal bloating.    


2. Kombucha   

Kombucha is a fermented beverage made from tea, sugar, and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). Although there isn’t much scientific research on the effects of kombucha on bloating, some potential factors found in kombucha may indirectly help reduce bloating in some people by promoting digestive health 

3. Phalsa Sherbet   

Phalsa, also known as Indian sherbet or Gruia asiatica, is the most exotic fruit grown in our country. It is one of the best home remedies for bloated stomachs, as it boosts metabolism and promotes digestion. It is an excellent potassium, calcium, and copper source and is especially useful in summer.      


4. Cucumber-Lemon Drink   

Some people find drinking too much water difficult. Therefore, drinking water infused with a slice or two of lemon or cucumber is recommended. This will allow you to drink more water and benefit from the vitamins and minerals in cucumbers and lemons, which can help reduce gas and bloating.     


5. Cucumber And Mint Water   

Cucumbers have natural diuretic properties, which help retain water and reduce bloating. Add chopped cucumber and lightly crushed mint leaves to warm water and a pinch of cinnamon to make this drink. Drinking this water may help reduce abdominal bloating, while mint’s soothing properties will alleviate digestive discomfort.     


25 Tips On Home Remedies For Bloating  

Following are the tips on home remedies for bloated stomach that you must take a look into:   

Sip on Herbal Bitters 

Digestive bitters activate receptors on your tongue, signalling the production of more digestive juices in your digestive tract. You can mix sparkling water with herbal bitters such as burdock, yellow dock, and Angelica to create an elixir that can relieve a bloated stomach. 

Consume Natural Diuretics 

Diuretics can be a helpful home remedy for bloated stomachs. They remove excess water and sodium from the body, improve digestion, and ease gas. Some natural diuretics, like celery, fennel, asparagus, and lemon, can help reduce bloating.   

Drink More Water 

Experts advise that women drink around 2.7 litres of water per day. Drinking more water helps flush out stored water. The more you drink, the less bloated you will be. It also flushes out excess sodium, which holds onto water.   

Avoid Ice-Cold Drinks with Meals 


Drinking ice-cold beverages with meals inhibits digestion by diluting gastric fluids such as HCL and cooling your overall digestion at a vital time. You also dilute the digestive enzymes your body requires to digest proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids properly. 

Try Digestive Enzymes 

Digestive supplements with substances like amylase, lipase, protease, or HCL may help relieve bloating immediately. These essential elements can assist the digestive process and may minimise gas production. 

Try Probiotics 

Certain probiotics, also known as beneficial bacteria in your digestive system, have been demonstrated to relieve bloating symptoms. For a dose of beneficial bacteria probiotics), plain whole-fat Greek yoghurt helps calm digestion and keeps your belly flat. 

Snack on High-Potassium Foods 


Potassium helps wash out sodium and water from the body, which reduces bloating. 

Enjoy bananas in smoothies, as a snack, or freeze to make cream. 

Avoid High-Fiber Foods 


Adding fibre to your diet can improve your health and have the opposite effect. So, while fibre consumption is crucial for proper digestion (target 25 to 35 grams per day), increasing your fibre intake from zero to 100 may exacerbate bloating rather than alleviate it. 

Low FODMAP diet 

This type of diet usually involves limiting certain carbohydrates that cause digestive problems. Eating a diet low in FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) may help improve symptoms of gas and bloating.   


Some people believe that abdominal massage can help stimulate bowel movements and relieve symptoms of bloating. Apply light pressure and rub your stomach vertically just above your hip bones. Massage should not be performed if it causes discomfort or pain.  


Practising yoga poses can help eliminate gas from your body and relieve abdominal bloating. A famous pose is called the wind relief pose. Simply lie on your back, bend your knees, and pull them towards your chest. Then, wrap your hands around your shins, just below your knees. Begin to tuck your chin in by lifting your neck and pulling your knees in. You may also assume a child’s position to expel air from the intestines.    

Avoid Laying Flat 

If you lie flat on your stomach, acid will rise, and your stomach symptoms will worsen. When sleeping, it is best to lean against a pillow or backrest.    

Don’t Overeat  

Chew your food thoroughly and eat it slowly. Eat smaller portions per plate. Eating more slowly will leave you feeling full. 

Avoid Triggering Foods 

Some people experience bloating when they consume processed foods, dairy, cold drinks, and raw foods. That's not to imply you must avoid certain items to ease your bloating, but try to identify which ones trigger the most acute bloating and be more careful of them. 

Take MCT oil 

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) are fats that require less energy and fewer enzymes to break down. The ideal approach to ingest them orally is to mix the oil with drinks such as coffee or smoothies. 

Add Cayenne Pepper to Beverages 

Cayenne pepper, a form of Capsicum annuum, aids digestion, reduces gas, and may relieve pressure and cramping. Toss a bit into your drink of choice when in a bind  

Try Turmeric 

Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes intestinal health. A teaspoon can be added to water, tea, juice, or a smoothie. 

Substitute Salt For Spices 

Sodium, present in table salt and processed meals, can aggravate retention. Thus, decreasing your salt intake can help prevent water bloating. 

Eat More Fermented Foods 

In addition to taking a daily probiotic, it is recommended that you eat fermented foods that naturally contain probiotics, such as sauerkraut and kimchi. If you experience abdominal bloating, eat sauerkraut by the spoonful. 

Consider Taking Magnesium 

If your bloating is caused by constipation, you should try taking medication with laxative properties to relieve your stomach pain. One such medicine is 500 mg of magnesium citrate, also called Milk of Magnesia   

Don't Multitask While Eating 

Multitasking with a digital distraction causes overeating or rushed meal consumption, which (you guessed it) results in impaired digestion. Focus on digesting each food item because breaking down nutrients before they reach the spleen reduces the spleen's workload. 

Eat More Slowly 

Not only will chewing slowly promote better digestion and, as a result, reduced bloating, but it will also boost your metabolism.  

Sit Upright During and After Meals 

In terms of avoiding bloating and other digestive disorders, posture can make a big difference. If you've ever eaten a large meal and felt uncomfortable after lying down or reclining, your stance could have contributed to your symptoms. So, don’t lie down directly after meals; rather, talk for a walk outdoors.    

Add Ginger and Lemon to Your Water 

Ginger tea, juice, or smoothies can help reduce bloating and may also relieve period cramps.   

Brew Dandelion 

Dandelion tea offers additional health benefits. A 2017 study conducted in China discovered that the herb's polysaccharides improve liver function, aiding in detoxification. 


Dietitian’s Recommendation  

If you experience frequent abdominal bloating, seeing your doctor may be a good idea. If you’re experiencing abdominal bloating, you’re not alone. Many people experience the unpleasant symptom of feeling full and tight in their stomachs. Although bloating symptoms cannot be eliminated, adopting appropriate lifestyle strategies and effective medication may provide faster relief.   


Dt. Lavina Chauhan 


The Final Say 

Bloating is a word that refers to gas trapped in the digestive system. Although air entering the system causes no harm, it can sometimes cause pain and discomfort. This pain can be relieved with simple home remedies for a bloated stomach. These simple home remedies may include drinking a cup of hot ginger tea, keeping your body warm, consuming herbs such as fennel and cilantro, which are good for the gut, walking, or giving a belly massage. So, next time you have a hearty meal, follow these remedies! 



1. What are the natural remedies for bloating? 

Here are some of the foods that act as natural remedies for gas and bloating: 

  • Ginger 

  • Peppermint 

  • Peppermint tea 

  • Apple cider vinegar 

  • Chamomile 

  • Lemon 

2. What are the natural remedies for a swollen stomach? 

Here are some fruits that act as instant home remedies for bloated stomach and gas: 

  • Oranges 

  • Bananas 

  • Pineapples 

  • Berries 

  • Papayas 

  • Tomatoes 

  • Lentils 

  • Broccoli 

3. What is the best medicine for gas and bloat relief? 

Along with the natural bloat relief home remedies, here are some medicines: 

  • Lactase 

  • Simethicone 

  • Activated charcoal 

  • Antacids 

  • Alpha-galactosidase 

  • Mylanta gas 

  • Beano 

  • Bismuth salicylate 

4. What are the natural cure for bloating? 

You can relieve bloating naturally by going for a walk, performing yoga poses, using peppermint capsules, trying abdominal massage, using essential oils and taking a warm bath.  

5. What is the most effective natural treatment for bloating? 

Some of the best home bloating treatments include peppermint, ginger, and chamomile. Peppermint and ginger relax the stomach muscles, reducing spasms and the feeling of being bloated. Chamomile, an anti-inflammatory herb, helps reduce the swelling of bloating. 

6. Can hot water reduce bloating?   

Heat can help relieve the pain of bloating. Applying hot water to your stomach to relax your muscles and intestines is said to be one of the bloated tummy home remedies. This hot water helps remove trapped gases. A similar activity could be taking a hot bath.   

7. What are the best bloating at-home remedies?     

Ginger is an important ingredient that helps relieve bloating and other gastrointestinal problems. Adding ginger water or tea to your diet can help reduce bloating.   




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