5 Best Exercises For Perimenopause To Ease Symptoms And Improve Well-Being



Published on: 22-Aug-2024


10 min read




Anvesha Chowdhury


5 Best Exercises For Perimenopause To Ease Symptoms And Improve Well-Being

5 Best Exercises For Perimenopause To Ease Symptoms And Improve Well-Being

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For a woman, perimenopause and menopause is a transitional period—a sort of second puberty where your body changes. Perimenopause, which can occur eight to 10 years before a woman stops having periods, is the transitional phase that precedes menopause.

The most commonly known symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain (plus a host of other experiences), actually occur during perimenopause and significantly affect a woman's physical and mental health.

According to experts, exercise is an excellent way to manage perimenopause symptoms. Multiple studies have found that specific types of exercise for perimenopause can help women feel their best during and after this transition. Continue reading this article to learn if exercises and perimenopause are interlinked, along with the five best exercises for perimenopause.

Table Of Contents

1. 5 Best Exercises For Perimenopause
2. Are Exercise And Perimenopause Interlinked?

3. What Exercises Are To Be Included In A Perimenopause Workout Plan?

4. Expert’s Advice 

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References

5 Best Exercises For Perimenopause

Some of the best exercises for perimenopause are:

1. Strength Training 

Extensive strength training will support physical health, but this is especially true for perimenopausal and menopausal women. Resistance training helps you build muscle, improve your physical health, and strengthen your joints; this eventually aids in reducing the rate at which bone is lost and the development of osteoporosis throughout menopause and perimenopause.

2. Cardio Exercise  

Doing cardio for perimenopause and menopause is a great way to manage weight gain. Cardio incorporates plyometric movements at different tempos to give you a full-body fat-burning workout that targets your aerobic and anaerobic systems. Cardio will help you build stamina and endurance. Discuss any physical conditions (such as osteoporosis) with a fitness professional to modify high-intensity movements.

Also Read: Top 8 Health Benefits Of Cardio Training With Best Cardio Exercises   

3. Mobility And Flexibility Exercises 

One fundamental tenet of exercise and perimenopause is prioritising variety in your exercise plan. This means focusing on building muscle strength and burning fat and incorporating slower, gentler movements that restore the body between more intense workouts. 

A mix of mobility exercises improves flexibility, range of motion, postural awareness, and balance—qualities that can decline with perimenopause and age. These low-impact exercises also promote a stronger mind-body connection, which can act as a significant stress reliever. 

4. Non-Weight-Bearing Exercises 

In addition to cardio group sessions, you can incorporate other aerobic exercises into your menopause exercise plan. These can include cycling, swimming, dancing, jogging, or even walking. The goal is to keep the body moving and the heart pumping. These types of exercises can easily be a part of your daily lifestyle, along with strength and cardio training.

Also Read: Perimenopause Test At Home, Symptoms & Treatment | ToneOp 

Are Exercise And Perimenopause Interlinked?

Perimenopause is the transition from reproductive age to a state when there is no longer a menstrual cycle. It is marked by a dramatic drop in estrogen (mainly estradiol) and progesterone. Estrogen is metabolically protective; estrogen deficiency leads to insulin resistance, alterations in body composition, and a more substantial build-up of visceral fat in the stomach. 

Metabolic changes in middle age during perimenopause, aggravated by hormone decline, not only lead to unfavourable body composition but also increase inflammation and the risk of cardiometabolic diseases, bone loss, and more. Although body weight does not change in perimenopause, the same underlying shifts occur, increasing metabolic risk in the golden years after menopause.

Also Read: Understanding Premature Menopause: Signs And Symptoms! 

Additionally, as we begin to lose muscle mass (muscle) at a rate of approximately 1% per year starting in our 30s, less muscle means less energy expenditure. In this scenario, many women notice weight gain in middle age. Some research suggests a 40% drop in physical activity.

Exercising during perimenopause can have impressive benefits like:

Boosts Your Physical And Emotional Well-Being

Regular exercise for perimenopause can also help manage symptoms such as weight gain, mood swings, sleep disturbances and hot flashes that often accompany this stage of life.

Natural Mood Enhancer

Physical activity releases endorphins, or "feel-good" hormones, into the bloodstream. These hormones can help in the fight against depression and anxiety that perimenopausal women may experience.

Improves The Quality Of Sleep

Exercise improves the quality of sleep, which is often compromised at this stage. Regular exercise for perimenopause can promote more profound, more restful sleep and reduce fatigue and irritability.

Strengthens Your Heart And Bones

Exercise for perimenopause helps women strengthen their hearts and bones. During perimenopause, your body needs special attention because there is an increased risk of osteoporosis and heart problems.

Helps In Maintaining A Healthy Weight

Exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy weight during perimenopause by boosting metabolism and burning calories. Regular physical activity helps reduce body fat and build muscle, which can counteract hormonal changes, often leading to weight gain. Additionally, exercise improves mood and energy levels, making sticking to a healthy lifestyle easier.

What Exercises Are To Be Included In A Perimenopause Workout Plan?

A perimenopause workout plan should contain the following exercises:

1. Strength Training

A 2023 review found that strength training has many positive effects on menopausal symptoms. These exercises improved strength, bone density, heart rate, and blood pressure in menopausal women. Women naturally lose muscle mass and bone density when their estrogen levels drop, which can raise their risk of osteoporosis and frailty. Frequent strength training improves bone density, improves metabolic health, and helps maintain and grow muscle mass, all of which work against these effects. Strength exercise can also help with weight management, lower the risk of cardiovascular problems, and relieve symptoms like weariness and joint discomfort. Adding strength training to a perimenopausal exercise regimen promotes general health and lessens the negative effects of hormone shifts on the body.

One should do a total body strength routine twice a week. Examples of some exercises for perimenopause you can incorporate include:

  • Squats

  • Leg presses

  • Lunges

  • Bicep curls

  • Push-ups

  • Rows

  • Lat pulldowns

2. High Impact Exercise

Although only for some, many women should also consider high-impact exercise. A 2023 review of studies found that high-intensity, high-impact exercise is good for bone density in postmenopausal women.

High-impact exercises include high-intensity interval training (HIIT), running, jumping rope, basketball, circuit training, and tennis. If you're new to this type of exercise, it is essential to talk to your primary care provider first to make sure it's safe for you to try. People with osteoporosis and certain conditions, such as arthritis, should avoid high-impact activities.

3. Pelvic Floor Exercises 

Exercise for the pelvic floor can significantly alleviate the changes in muscle tone and function brought on by hormonal variations during perimenopause. Research has shown that pelvic floor exercises help improve sexual function as well as bladder symptoms. Exercises like Kegels assist in preventing problems like pelvic organ prolapse and urine incontinence by strengthening the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. The pelvic tissues may deteriorate as estrogen levels drop in perimenopause, increasing the chance of developing certain disorders. Frequent pelvic floor exercises help general pelvic health, improve bladder control, and strengthen muscles, making them an effective tool for addressing the physical issues of perimenopause.

Also Read: What Is Kegel Exercise For Females? Know Its Benefits And Procedure! 

4. Tai Chi

One study found that 12 weeks of Tai Chi training can alleviate depressive symptoms in perimenopausal women by reducing neurotoxicity in the brain. Another study indicated that Tai Chi can help improve anxiety, depression, and fatigue in both perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.

5. Yoga

Yoga is another exercise option that helps ease menopausal symptoms, especially those related to mood. Like tai chi, yoga helps improve balance, flexibility, strength and stress. Standing poses also help improve core strength and pelvic floor strength.

6. Pilates

Pilates is another low-intensity exercise that improves strength, flexibility and balance. It is done on a machine called a reformer. In the absence of a machine, it can be done on a Pilates mat. A 2016 study found that an 8-week Pilates exercise program improved symptoms such as mood, hot flashes, and fatigue in postmenopausal women. 

Also Read: Do Pilates Exercises For Weight Loss Really Work? | ToneOp 

Expert’s Advice 

Going through perimenopause can be overwhelming at times. It's a time of significant change, but by incorporating regular workouts into your routine, you can navigate this phase more quickly and confidently. Cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises can help manage weight gain, improve mood and sleep quality, and strengthen your heart and bones. Whether walking in the park, doing yoga in the living room or swimming. Every step taken is a step towards better health at this stage of life.

                                                                       Health Expert
Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say

Perimenopause is a natural stage in which a woman's body gradually produces less estrogen. Exercise for perimenopause, including strength training and cardio, can help relieve physical symptoms like headaches, cramps, muscle aches and joint pain. Balance and meditative exercises such as yoga, pilates, and tai chi can benefit both physically and mentally. 

These exercises improve mood, strength, and flexibility during this transitional phase and also help in managing your body weight. By staying active and focusing on your fitness, you can navigate perimenopause with greater ease and enjoy a healthier, more balanced life.


1. Are there any exercises to avoid during perimenopause?

You can avoid exercises like:

  • HIIT

  • Heavy weight-lifting exercises

  • Spine rotation exercises

2. How much exercise should I do during perimenopause?

You should aim to meet the guidelines for activity levels for all adults which is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. This should include a combination of cardiovascular exercise with at least two strength-building workouts. It could be 30 minutes of exercise five times a week.

3. Which exercise is best for perimenopause?

Some exercises that are good for perimenopause are:

  • Pilates

  • Yoga

  • Squats

  • Mountain climber

  • Lateral raise

  • Overhead shoulder press


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