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Try These 8 Effective Exercises To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism!

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Mahi Baraskar


Published on: 09 Mar 2024


10 min



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Losing weight becomes a formidable challenge when dealing with overactive thyroid disorders, be it an overactive or underactive thyroid. If someone has hypothyroidism, where metabolism works slowly, they can gain weight even if they are careful with what they eat and how much they exercise. However, knowing not just what foods to eat but also the timing and manner of eating can be important for weight loss when dealing with hypothyroidism. 

Beyond dietary considerations for weight loss with thyroid conditions, incorporating daily exercise, maintaining adequate fluid intake, adhering to prescribed medications, and ensuring good sleep are vital components for losing fat with hypothyroidism.

This blog highlights the 8 best exercises to lose weight with hypothyroidism along with the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism. So, keep reading to learn more about losing weight with an overactive thyroid!

Table Of Contents

1. Is It Possible To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism?

2. 8 Best Exercises For Losing Weight With Hypothyroidism

3. What Are The Worst Symptoms Of Hypothyroidism?

4. Does Hypothyroidism Cause Belly Fat?

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References

Is It Possible To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism?

The relationship between thyroid disease, body weight, and metabolism has long been recognised as complex. Individuals with thyroid disease often face challenges in losing weight, despite adhering to exercise and a healthy diet. You're not alone if you find yourself immune to the effects of a rigorous exercise program and strict diet. Weight gain associated with hypothyroidism is typically modest (2 to 5 kg), but it can be persistent.

How weight gain occurs due to low thyroid function or failure to lose weight is poorly understood, but several important factors are thought to be involved. 

  • Decreased energy leads to less exercise and movement. 

  • Slightly slower metabolism tendency to retain excess fluid in tissues. 

  • It changes the way your body stores, processes, and burns glucose and fat. 

For some people, failed weight loss attempts are linked to thyroid disease. And researchers agree that even small changes in thyroid function are linked to weight gain. 

The good news is that you can lose weight even if you have hypothyroidism. But this requires a particular approach. This approach means consistently making good nutritional choices and assessing hormone levels, including thyroid hormones. You can lose weight by evaluating, diagnosing, and treating your imbalances.

Also Read: Explore The Top 10 Surprising Benefits Of Walnut Oil For Thyroid Condition! 

8 Best Exercises For Losing Weight With Hypothyroidism

Let’s explore these practical exercises for losing weight with hypothyroidism:

1. Squats For Body Weight

Squats target multiple muscle groups, including quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, aiding overall lower body strength and toning. They help boost metabolism and calorie burn, contributing to weight loss. Squats also improve balance, stability, and functional movement, promoting better overall fitness.

How To Do It?

  • Stand with your toes slightly turned out, feet shoulder-width apart. 

  • Start by working on your core by uplifting your chest. Now, slowly lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back.

  • Lastly, push through your heels to return to the starting position.

  • Repeat for desired repetitions.

2. Lunges

It works on various lower body muscles, including quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, enhancing strength and muscle tone. They improve balance, stability, and coordination, reducing the risk of injury and promoting functional movement. Lunges help increase calorie expenditure, aiding in weight loss and improving cardiovascular health.

How To Do It?

  • Stand tall with feet hip-width apart.

  • Step forward with one foot, bending both knees to lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.

  • Push back to the starting position and repeat on the other alternate legs for the desired number of repetitions.

3. Resistance Bands Training

Resistance bands offer a low-impact yet effective workout, ideal for individuals with hypothyroidism, avoiding excessive stress on joints. They target multiple muscle groups, providing a full-body workout and improving overall strength and flexibility. Resistance band exercises can be adapted to various fitness levels, making them versatile for weight loss and muscle toning.

How To Do It?

  • For your fitness level, you must select a resistance band with a suitable level of tension.

  • Anchor the band securely to a fixed point, such as a door handle, pole, or any stable surface.

  • Stand or sit in a stable position with good posture.

  • Hold the resistance band firmly, ensuring it's evenly distributed in your hand.

  • Begin with simple exercises like bicep curls, shoulder presses, or rows to get used to the resistance.

  • Control the band's movement throughout the exercise to engage the targeted muscles effectively.

  • Pay attention to your form and posture to prevent injury and maximise the benefits.

  • As you get comfortable, progress to more challenging exercises or increase the resistance level.

4. Stair Climbing

It is a simple yet effective cardiovascular exercise that helps burn calories and improve heart health. It engages significant muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, and core, promoting lower body strength. Stair climbing boosts metabolism and endurance, contributing to weight loss and improved fitness levels.

How To Do It?

  • Find a staircase or use a stair-climbing machine.

  • Start with a steady, controlled pace, lifting your knees and engaging your glutes.

  • Then gradually increase your intensity level and duration as your fitness level improves.

5. High-Intensity Interval Training 

HIIT is a time-efficient workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and short rest periods, boosting metabolism and calorie burn. It enhances cardiovascular health, improves insulin sensitivity, and supports weight loss, making it suitable for individuals with hypothyroidism. HIIT can be customised to individual fitness levels, providing a challenging yet adaptable exercise routine.

How To Do It?

  • Choose exercises like sprinting, jumping jacks, or burpees for high-intensity intervals.

  • Perform each high-intensity interval for 20-30 seconds, followed by 10-15 seconds of rest.

  • Repeat the cycle for 15-30 minutes, gradually increasing intensity and duration.

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide To High-Intensity Interval Training For Beginners! 

6. Pilates

Pilates focuses on core strength, flexibility, and controlled movements, offering a low-impact option for individuals with hypothyroidism. It improves posture, enhances muscle tone, and aids in weight management without excessive joint stress. Pilates exercises can be adapted to varying fitness levels, making it accessible for those looking to lose weight and improve overall body strength.

How To Do It?

  • Engage in Pilates exercises like the hundred, leg circles, or the plank.

  • Focus on controlled movements and proper breathing, and gradually increase repetitions.

  • Consult with a certified instructor for personalised guidance and modifications.

7. Brisk Walking 

Walking briskly is good for controlling metabolism, which is important for people who have hypothyroidism. It also helps to reduce stress by having a good effect on the nervous system and assists in dealing with the stress that comes from hypothyroidism. Try to walk fast for at least 30 minutes on most days each week for better health and to control symptoms of hypothyroidism.

How To Do It?

  • Start with a 5-10 minute warm-up by walking comfortably.

  • Gradually increase your walking speed to the point where you can feel your heart rate elevate but still maintain a conversation.

  • Keep upright, relax your shoulders, and swing your arms naturally.

  • Add short intervals of faster walking or incorporate inclines to intensify the workout.

  • Aim for a brisk walking routine most days of the week to experience ongoing benefits.

  • Finish your session with a 5-10 minute cool-down, gradually reducing your walking speed.

8. Low-Impact Cardio

Low-impact cardio exercises, such as brisk walking or cycling, offer cardiovascular benefits without placing excessive stress on joints, making them suitable for individuals with hypothyroidism. These exercises contribute to calorie burn and weight management and improve cardiovascular health. Low-impact cardio can be easily incorporated into daily routines, providing consistent and sustainable physical activity.

How To Do It?

  • Choose brisk walking, cycling, or swimming activities.

  • Maintain a steady pace for at least 30 minutes, gradually increasing duration and intensity.

  • Include low-impact cardio sessions 3-5 times per week for optimal results.

Also Read: Low Impact Workouts: Benefits, Exercises For Seniors And Bad Knees With Tips 

What Are The Worst Symptoms Of Hypothyroidism?

The potential signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism may vary from person to person and according to the severity of the condition. Note how this problem develops gradually, often over the years and affects if left untreated:

1. Early Symptoms

Early Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

How does it affect you?


Hard stools or constipation

Hypothyroidism can slow digestion and reduce bowel movements, leading to hard stools or constipation.

Dietary adjustments, increased fibre intake, hydration, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy may be recommended.

Feeling cold

A common early symptom, hypothyroidism, affects the body's ability to regulate temperature, causing a persistent feeling of cold.

Ensuring a warm environment, layered clothing, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy can help alleviate the cold sensation.

Heavier & irregular periods

Hypothyroidism can disrupt the menstrual cycle, leading to heavier or irregular periods.

Hormone replacement therapy, lifestyle modifications, and addressing thyroid hormone imbalances can help regulate menstrual cycles.

Muscle or joint pain

Hypothyroidism may cause muscle and joint pain, stiffness, and discomfort.

The treatment plan may include regular physical activity, gentle exercises, pain management strategies, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

Sadness or depression

Hypothyroidism can impact mood and mental well-being, leading to feelings of sadness or depression.

Psychological support, counselling, lifestyle adjustments, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy may be recommended for managing mood-related symptoms.

Brittle nails and thinning hair

Changes in hair and nail health, such as thinning and brittleness, are often observed in individuals with hypothyroidism.

Nutritional support, proper hair and nail care, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy can improve hair and nail condition.


Persistent fatigue and low energy levels are hallmark symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Adequate rest, regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy play key roles in managing and alleviating fatigue.

Weight gain

Hypothyroidism can lead to unexplained weight gain due to a slowed metabolism.

A balanced diet, regular exercise, thyroid hormone replacement therapy, and addressing underlying factors contribute to managing and preventing weight gain.

2. Late Symptoms If Left Untreated

Late Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

How does it affect you?


Decreased sense of smell and taste

Long-term untreated hypothyroidism may impact the senses, leading to a decreased sense of smell and taste.

Addressing thyroid hormone imbalances through medication, proper nutrition, and seeking medical evaluation can help manage and improve sensory functions.

Swelling in the face, hands, and feet

Prolonged hypothyroidism may cause fluid retention, leading to swelling in the face, hands, and feet.

Diuretics, lifestyle modifications, elevation of affected limbs, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy may be recommended to manage and reduce swelling.

Thickening of the skin

Untreated hypothyroidism may contribute to changes in skin texture, leading to thickening and coarseness.

Proper skincare, moisturisation, lifestyle adjustments, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy may be recommended to improve skin health and texture.

Low body temperature

Hypothyroidism affects the body's ability to regulate temperature, resulting in consistently low body temperature.

Ensuring a warm environment, layered clothing, maintaining proper room temperature, and thyroid hormone replacement therapy play roles in managing low body temperature.

Slow heart rate

Untreated hypothyroidism can impact heart function, leading to a slow heart rate (bradycardia).

Monitoring heart health, regular medical check-ups, addressing thyroid hormone imbalances, and potential medication adjustments are essential for managing bradycardia.

Does Hypothyroidism Cause Belly Fat?

Making you prone to conditions like type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, and other diseases, obesity and abdominal obesity indeed cause severe problems in your body. 

Since obesity and hypothyroidism are two closely related medical conditions, thyroid hormone is closely related to obesity, regulating energy consumption plus your appetite. Furthermore, it also governs basal metabolism and thermogenesis. By facilitating lipid and glucose metabolism processes–a support system for your food intake and fat oxidation–thyroid hormones impact changes in body weight and composition accordingly.

Losing weight with hypothyroidism and belly fat is difficult. Patients with low thyroid function are prone to developing belly fat. Additionally, hypothyroidism not only causes overall weight gain but also triggers an increase in abdominal fat deposition. This belly fat results from two main reasons:

  • Thyroid dysfunction affects cortisol levels, a known and documented cause of abdominal fat. 

  • Thyroid dysfunction also affects insulin signalling, another known cause of abdominal fat accumulation. 

In the case of belly fat, visceral and subcutaneous fat affect it, but visceral fat is the other known cause of abdominal fat accumulation most significant influence. As fat accumulates around the intestines and intestines, it pushes up against the stomach, creating belly fat. This process also makes cellulite and subcutaneous fat dimples more noticeable. 

The method you use to lose weight affects your entire body, not just your stomach. Unlike regular fat, some treatments may be more effective in treating visceral fat in people with hypothyroidism.

The Final Say

Hypothyroidism slows your metabolism and causes other changes that can interfere with weight loss. Other hormones that affect weight and appetite may also be affected. Successful treatment and lifestyle changes can enable you to maintain a healthy weight with hypothyroidism. You can speed up weight loss by getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, following a special diet, consuming more fibre, avoiding goitrogens, and increasing physical activity. 


1. What are overactive thyroid effects to not ignore?

An overactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, may present symptoms such as rapid weight loss, increased appetite, palpitations, anxiety, irritability, and heat sensitivity. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to serious health complications and should prompt a medical evaluation.

2. Does hypothyroidism cause belly fat?

No, hypothyroidism typically does not cause an increase in belly fat. People who have hypothyroidism frequently lose weight due to their faster metabolism. Weight loss is generally more generalised and may affect various body areas.

3. Can you reverse hypothyroidism weight gain?

Yes, reversing hypothyroidism-induced weight gain is possible through a combination of thyroid hormone replacement therapy, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle modifications.

4. Can you be underweight with hypothyroidism?

Yes, hypothyroidism often leads to unintentional weight loss, and in some cases, individuals may become underweight. The excessive production of thyroid hormones accelerates the metabolism, resulting in heightened energy expenditure and subsequent weight loss. To address this condition — book a consultation for diagnosis and, subsequently, secure effective hypothyroidism treatment.

5. What is the best exercise for hypothyroidism?

While exercise generally benefits overall health, individuals with hypothyroidism should opt for moderate-intensity activities rather than high-intensity workouts. You can do brisk walking, rope jumping, cycling, or swimming, which can help maintain muscle mass without overstimulating the accelerated metabolism.


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