Is Whiskey Good For Diabetes? Read to Know

Medical Condition


Published on: 20-Mar-2023


10 min read


Updated on : 28-Nov-2023




Kajal Tharwani


Is Whiskey Good For Diabetes? Read to Know

Is Whiskey Good For Diabetes? Read to Know

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What whiskey with cure, there is no cure for! 

People with diabetes are often very careful about what they eat and drink. Consuming foods and drinks that are high in sugar can be detrimental to their health. One of the concerns for individuals with diabetes is whether or not they can consume alcohol, including whiskey.

Due to their condition, they may be uncertain about the potential effects of alcohol consumption on their health. 

What do you think? Is whiskey good for diabetes? Read to find out the answer! 

Table Of Contents 

1. Is Whiskey Good For Diabetes?

2. General Health Benefits Of Whiskey 

3. Side Effects of Whiskey For Diabetes Patients 

4. Tips To Avoid Spikes After Whiskey For Diabetics Patient

5. Dietitian’s Recommendation 

6. The Final Say 

7. FAQs 

Is Whiskey Good For Diabetes?

Individuals with diabetes may not need to completely avoid drinking whiskey or other alcoholic beverages, but they should exercise caution and take additional measures. Special guidelines exist for people with diabetes who consume alcohol, which they must follow to minimise risks and manage their condition effectively.

Alcohol affects individuals differently, and those with diabetes who take insulin must be especially mindful of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Therefore, before consuming whiskey or other alcoholic beverages, it is advisable to conduct blood tests to monitor blood sugar levels and adjust insulin dosage accordingly. 

Moreover, overweight or obese individuals with diabetes may want to limit or abstain from drinking alcohol as it can contribute to weight gain and make it more difficult to manage their condition.

Whiskey, also spelt whisky, is an alcoholic beverage that distils grains such as barley, corn, rye, or wheat. The ageing of the distilled spirit in wooden barrels, ranging from a few months to several years, imparts unique flavours and characteristics to the final product. Whiskey can be classified as single malt, scotch, and bourbon, depending on the production process

In terms of nutritional properties, whiskey does not offer significant benefits. A 1.5-ounce serving of whiskey contains 97 calories and no carbohydrates, protein, or fat. Although it does contain trace amounts of minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc, and selenium, these amounts are so small that they do not contribute substantially to the nutritional value of whiskey. 

According to the USDA(U.S. Department of Agriculture), one fluid ounce (27.8 millilitres) of whiskey contains about 69.5 kilocalories, 1.11 milligrams of phosphorus, 0.556 milligrams of potassium, 0.278 milligrams of sodium, and 10 grams of alcohol.

General Health Benefits Of Whiskey

Here are the key points on the potential benefits of whiskey for individuals:

  • Whiskey has no fats or carbohydrates, which will contribute to weight gain.
  • Whiskey can help to reduce stress and anxiety and calm the nerves by improving blood flow.
  • Studies have suggested that moderate whiskey consumption may reduce the risk of diabetes and dementia.
  • Whiskey contains simple sugars that can help regulate insulin and sugar levels in the blood.
  • Moderate whiskey consumption reduces the risk of dementia by up to 50% in elderly individuals compared to those who do not drink.

Side Effects of Whiskey For Diabetes Patients

While moderate whiskey consumption may have some health benefits for individuals with diabetes, excessive consumption can have several negative side effects.

Firstly, excessive consumption of alcohol can cause hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous for individuals with diabetes. Alcohol can also interfere with diabetes medications, making it more difficult to manage blood sugar levels.

Additionally, whiskey is a high-calorie beverage that can contribute to weight gain, further complicating diabetes management. Moreover, some mixers and garnishes used in whiskey cocktails may contain added sugars, significantly impacting blood sugar levels.

Long-term excessive consumption of alcohol can also lead to serious health issues such as liver damage,  hypertension, and heart disease, which can increase the risk of complications for individuals with diabetes.

Therefore, it is important for individuals with diabetes to consume whiskey in moderation and to monitor their blood sugar levels closely when drinking. They should also consult with their healthcare provider to determine if it is safe for them to consume alcohol and to discuss any potential risks or concerns.

Tips To Avoid Spikes After Whiskey 

Here are some tips to avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar levels after consuming whiskey for individuals with diabetes:

1. Monitor Blood Sugar Levels 

It is essential to check blood sugar levels before and after consuming whiskey. Monitoring blood sugar levels can help individuals adjust their diabetes medication or food intake to prevent sudden spikes or drops.

2. Limit Consumption 

Limit the amount of whiskey consumed to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. Consuming more than the recommended amount can lead to sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.

3. Avoid Sugary Mixers

Mixers and garnishes used in some whiskey cocktails may contain added sugars, which can cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Opt for mixers that are sugar-free or low in sugar.

4. Eat Before Drinking

Drinking whiskey on an empty stomach can lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels. Eating a balanced meal before drinking can help to stabilize blood sugar levels.

5. Stay Hydrated 

Alcohol can cause dehydration, affecting blood sugar levels. It is important to stay hydrated by drinking water before, during, and after consuming whiskey.

6. Avoid Drinking Before Bedtime 

Consuming whiskey before bedtime can cause hypoglycemia at night, which can be dangerous for individuals with diabetes. Therefore, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol close to bedtime.

7. Consult With A Healthcare Provider 

Consuming whiskey before bedtime can cause hypoglycemia at night, which can be dangerous for individuals with diabetes. Therefore, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol close to bedtime.

Dietitian’s Recommendation 

Individuals with diabetes should consume alcohol, including whiskey, in moderation and with caution. While moderate whiskey consumption may have some potential health benefits, excessive or regular consumption can negatively impact blood sugar control, liver function, and other health issues. 

Individuals with diabetes should limit alcohol intake to one drink for women and up to two drinks per day for men and to consume alcohol with a meal to prevent hypoglycemia or sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. 

It is also recommended to monitor blood sugar levels before and after consuming alcohol and to discuss any concerns or questions with a healthcare professional. Ultimately, the decision to consume whiskey or any alcoholic beverage should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider, considering an individual's specific health needs and personal circumstances.

-Dietitian Aditi Upadhyay

The Final Say 

Although whiskey is a popular beverage worldwide, it is advisable to avoid excessive consumption of whiskey or alcohol to maintain good health. 

It is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with excessive alcohol intake. Some healthy strategies to consider when drinking whiskey include limiting alcohol intake, choosing lower-alcohol options, avoiding sugary mixers, drinking slowly with food, alternating alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and tracking alcohol consumption. 

Discussing dietary or lifestyle changes with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist is recommended.


1. Is whiskey a low or high-sugar drink?

Whiskey is a low-sugar beverage with no carbohydrates or fats. This makes it a good option for people following a diet and individuals with diabetes, as it does not significantly affect blood glucose levels. 

However, it is important to consume whiskey in moderation, as excessive amounts of alcohol can harm the body. Drinking a low or moderate quantity of whiskey may help to improve blood flow, but it is important to remember that consuming too much can have negative health effects.

2. Can whiskey cause blood sugar spikes in people with diabetes? 

Yes, consuming whiskey, like any other alcoholic beverage, can cause sudden spikes or drops in blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. Therefore, it is important to monitor blood sugar levels before and after consuming alcohol and to consume alcohol with a meal to prevent hypoglycemia or sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.

3. What are the potential health benefits of moderate whiskey consumption for individuals with diabetes? 

Some studies suggest that moderate consumption of whiskey may have potential health benefits for individuals with diabetes, such as reducing the risk of dementia and the risk of triggering diabetes by 40%. 

4. Should individuals with diabetes avoid whiskey altogether? 

It is not necessary to avoid whiskey or alcohol altogether, but it is important to consume alcohol in moderation and with caution. Individuals with diabetes should consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate amount of alcohol intake based on their specific health needs and personal circumstances.

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