Mungphali: Health Benefits And Side Effects

Mungphali, also known as peanuts, are a highly vital nutrient nut. Also called goobers, groundnuts, and earth nuts, these nuts may be eaten raw or roasted. Mungphali provides all 20 essential amino acids, the most abundant one being the immune-enhancing arginine.
Moreover, they are packed with the body's nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and plant components. As a result, mungphali has been linked to several health benefits for various medical conditions, including protection against gallstones, reduced risk of heart disease, lowered body fat percentage, and more stable blood sugar.
In this piece, we will discuss the benefits of peanuts, including their nutritional makeup and potential drawbacks.
Table Of Contents
1. Nutritional Values Of Mungphali
2. What Is Mungphali?
3. Benefits Of Mungphali
4. Adverse Effects Of Mungphali
5. Dietician’s Recommendations
6. The Final Say
7. FAQs
Nutritional Values Of Mungphali
The nutritional value of 100 grams of mungphali is given below:
- Energy - 567 kcal
- Protein - 25.8 g
- Fats - 49 g
- Dietary fibre - 8.5 g
- Carbohydrates -16.13 g
- Sugars - 4.72 g
- Iron - 4.5 mg
- Calcium - 92 mg
- Sodium - 18 mg
- Potassium - 705 mg
- Phosphorus - 376 mg
- Magnesium - 168 mg
- Zinc - 3.27 mg
- Vitamin B3 - 12.07 mg
- Vitamin E - 8.33 mg
- Vitamin B1 - 0.64 mg
- Vitamin B6 - 0.35 mg
- Riboflavin - 0.16 mg
- Folate - 240 mg
Mungphali has a rich mineral and vitamin content. As a result, they are an excellent source of vitamin E, thiamine, niacin, biotin, folate, manganese, copper, and phosphorus. All these are essential for a healthy metabolism and reduced disease risk.
Due to their abundance of heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is an excellent addition to any diet. They also contain a significant amount of protein required for the body to function. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein in adults is 56 grams for men and 46 grams for women.
What Is Mungphali?
Mungphali (Arachis hypogaea) is a legume initially from South America. They are known by several names, including groundnuts, earthnuts, and goobers. it is an excellent source of protein, lipids, and nutrients. Thus, they are best taken in moderation.
Mungphali is available in various forms, including roasted, salted, chocolate-coated, and peanut butter. Mungphali is a more budget-friendly alternative to other nuts and may be used in many recipes.
Benefits Of Mungphali
Mungphali is very beneficial for health and, therefore, must be included in the diet. Here are some of its health benefits:
1. Benefits For The Heart
Several types of research have shown that mungphali consumption mitigates the danger of cardiovascular disease. For example, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, eating nuts regularly has been shown to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 29%.
Mungphali provides nutrients crucial to maintaining cardiovascular health. They are a good source of magnesium and copper and have balanced compositions of unsaturated fats and antioxidants. In addition, the cholesterol-lowering properties of mungphali stem from monounsaturated fats, protein, and fibre. These help keep your heart healthy by avoiding atherosclerosis.
2. Rich In Protein
Protein makes up between 22 and 30 per cent of a person's calorie intake. Muscular and bone health are both bolstered by adequate protein intake. At the same time, muscle gain is facilitated by the amino acid glutamine.
To improve protein consumption, peanut butter on toast or crackers is a great pre-workout or midday snack.
The protein needs of growing children may be met by eating mungphali. In addition, wounds may be healed more quickly when eating a lot of protein.
3. Beneficial In Weight Loss
The moderate use of mungphali is acceptable for weight-watchers. In addition to aiding in weight reduction, the high protein level and healthy unsaturated fats give a high satiety value, making it less likely that you will overeat. Moreover, protein reduces levels of Ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and raises levels of Peptide YY, the satiety hormone.
4. SharpensThe Brain
Vitamin B1, niacin, and folate are essential for a healthy brain and increased mental acuity. These nutrients are absorbed by the body when mungphali is consumed. Consequently, you will notice an increase in mental activity and clarity. In addition to warding against Alzheimer's disease and other forms of cognitive decline with age, niacin and vitamin B1 may help keep your brain healthy.
There is a lot of beneficial compound resveratrol in Mungphali. Resveratrol improves memory and the ability to express oneself clearly. In addition, positive emotions and improved brain function are possible because of the polyphenols found in Mungphali.
5. Promotes Strong Bones
As we become older, some of our bones deteriorate. Therefore, you should prioritise the consumption of nutritious foods like Mungphali. It has manganese and phosphorus. You can keep your bones strong as you age with the vitamins and minerals in Mungphali.
6. Good For Skin
The resveratrol and monounsaturated fats of mungphali do more than only cleanse the skin; they also flush out the toxins that contribute to oily, lacklustre skin. The ageing effects of resveratrol include a postponement in the development of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Psoriasis and eczema, two common skin disorders, have also been proven to respond well to treatment with this compound.
Vitamins C and E in Mungphali have been shown to protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet light. In addition, vitamin C's impact on skin elasticity makes it possible to get a more youthful and radiant appearance.
7. Improves Vision
Eating green leafy vegetables and Mungphali may help keep your eyes healthy.
The zinc content of Mungphali facilitates the transport of vision-improving vitamin A.
Vitamin E helps protect against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
8. Reduces The Risk Of Cancer
Multiple studies have demonstrated that mungphali consumption lowers cancer risk.
Mungphali has been shown to reduce cancer risk because of its high protein and vitamin E content.
In addition, it possesses antioxidant resveratrol, which may prevent cancer by limiting the nutrients and oxygen that reach cancerous cells and slowing their development. Mungphali is one of the best anticancer foods to be added to the diet.
9. Helps In Diabetes
There is no sugar in Mungphali; thus, they are perfectly safe for diabetics. In addition, they are a tasty way to get your daily dose of nutrients.
Eating it first thing in the morning may help maintain consistent glucose levels throughout the day.
This may also reduce insulin spikes brought on by eating sugary meals. In addition, research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that Mungphali supplementation enhanced natural insulin regulation in people with type 2 diabetes.
10. Helps To Prevent Gallstones
Approximately 25% of all individuals will develop gallstones at some point in their lifetime. The condition is caused by high cholesterol levels that are not appropriately managed. Consistent use of Mungphali has been shown to lower cholesterol and, in turn, the likelihood of developing gallstones.
Adverse Effects Of Mungphali
Consuming mungphali in moderation has many positive health effects, but like any meal, consuming too much of it might have the opposite effect. Mungphali allergies are the only known adverse reaction to consuming them. Even so, it is essential to remember that it may have inevitable unintended consequences.
1. May Hinder Mineral Absorption
Excessive daily intake of mungphali may have negative consequences on health, including gastrointestinal problems and a reduction in the absorption of other necessary minerals. In addition, antinutrients, such as phytic acid, may be found in Mungphali and limit the ability of the body to absorb more beneficial elements like iron and zinc.
2. Allergic Reactions
Mungphali (or any food item containing mungphali) should be avoided by those with a severe nut allergy. Allergy responses occur in certain persons owing to the presence of two proteins, conarachin and arachin.
In case accidental ingestion occurs, watch for the following signs and symptoms:
Symptoms may include but are not limited to: a sore throat, a runny nose, skin problems, stomach disorders, or difficulty breathing.
Get in touch with or see a doctor immediately if you encounter any of the abovementioned problems.
3. May Cause Aflatoxin Poisoning
Aflatoxin poisoning, which may cause liver cancer and liver failure, is another significant health risk. Toxic mould grows in food kept in humid, dark places. If you keep mungphali in a cool, dry place, you will not have to worry about this happening.
Dietitian’s Recommendation
Mungphali contains vital nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals. The nut provide more protein per serving (7g) than any other nut, more than 30 different vitamins and minerals, a high fibre content, and plenty of healthy fats. So if you want to improve your health and diet, mungphali is a great snack to incorporate. It has a two-month shelf life in the fridge and is great raw, roasted, or cooked.
The Final Say
This is one nut that may be ingested often since it is a healthy plant-based source of protein in addition to containing a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds. However, this nut is heavy in calories and fat and should be taken in moderation.
1. Is it advisable to eat Mungphali every day?
Consuming mungphali daily may have several positive effects on health. Therefore, Mungphali has several health benefits and should be eaten daily, preferably in one handful or two teaspoons.
2. What is the correct time to eat mungphali?
The optimum time to ingest mungphali would be in the morning or throughout the day. Still, you can also add it to protein bars, ladoo, or a chaat. Mungphali is also perfect as an afternoon snack.
3. What effects does mungphali have on the liver?
Mungphali is beneficial to the liver due to its high levels of unsaturated fats and vitamin E; nevertheless, excessive ingestion should be avoided. It is beneficial for liver health, but only when used in moderation.
4. Can I consume dishes made from mungphali for my lunch and dinner?
Mungphali is one of the most adaptable foods that may be incorporated into dishes to boost flavour and nutritional value. Soups, salads, vegetables, rice dishes, gravies, and even sweets like laddoo and chikki may all benefit from its inclusion.
5. What are the harmful effects of mungphali?
Aflatoxins, phytic acid, and severe allergic responses are only a few risks associated with eating mungphali, despite its many advantages to one's health.
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