9 Benefits Of Kesar Milk During Pregnancy To Relieve Morning Sickness, Mood Swings, & More!



Published on: 23-Jul-2024


10 min read






9 Benefits Of Kesar Milk During Pregnancy To Relieve Morning Sickness, Mood Swings, & More!

9 Benefits Of Kesar Milk During Pregnancy To Relieve Morning Sickness, Mood Swings, & More!

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Are you craving for a warm, comforting drink during your pregnancy? In some cultures, Kesar milk, also known as saffron milk, is a warm beverage traditionally consumed by pregnant women. It's made by steeping saffron threads in warm milk, and this kesar milk during pregnancy is believed to offer various benefits like improved mood, digestion, and relief from pregnancy discomforts. Being carefully extracted from the Crocus sativus flower, kesar is also known for its medicinal usage in pregnancy. However, there are precautions to consider, especially in the first trimester, so talking to your doctor before incorporating it into your diet is recommended.

So, how is this age-old tradition beneficial? Let's explore what science says about consuming kesar milk during pregnancy, highlighting its benefits and nutrition.

Table Of Contents

1. 9 Benefits Of Kesar Milk In Pregnancy

2. In Which Month Kesar Milk In Pregnancy Is Taken?

3. Is Taking Kesar Doodh In Pregnancy Safe? Know Nutritive Values

4. Dietitian’s Recommendation

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References

9 Benefits Of Kesar Milk In Pregnancy

Saffron, the most effective spice globally, is highly recommended for lactating pregnant women for its medicinal properties. Let’s discuss and understand how you can benefit from kesar milk during pregnancy when consumed in a controlled manner:

1. Prevents High Blood Pressure

Heightened high blood pressure is a common issue faced by several expectant mothers, and if not controlled, it can lead to complications. Saffron has been shown to lower blood pressure due to its crocin and safranal presence, which are effective in fighting hypertension. However, it is recommended to take kesar in limited quantities, as more than prescribed consumption can cause a drop in blood pressure.

2. Improves Digestion Process

Many women face constipation, discomfort, bloating, hyperacidity and heartburn during pregnancy, which is the effect of improper digestion. Regular intake of saffron is known to alleviate these symptoms by reducing consistent acidity, improving blood flow and increasing metabolism in general.

3. Relieves Morning Sickness

Morning sickness or sickness can take away the joy of pregnancy. Severe morning sickness doesn't just happen in the early morning hours– it can happen at any time and often leads to extreme discomfort. Saffron tea, which soothes the digestive system, can ease morning sickness when consumed in limited amounts.

4. Prevents Mood Swings

Drinking saffron milk during pregnancy can treat depression due to its mood-altering properties. For the same reason, its antidepressant properties reduce mood swings in pregnant women and alleviate anxiety, depression and irritability during pregnancy.

5. Reduction In Hair Loss

Saffron milk could help reduce hair loss because of its potential advantages. The antioxidants in saffron might fight against free radical harm, which can slow down the hair growth process. Research also indicates that saffron can enhance blood circulation on the scalp, creating a better environment for growing healthy hair.

Also Read: Expecting? Here Are the 10 Common Discomforts During Pregnancy You Should Know About

6. Release Muscle Spasms

Many women complain of joint pain, muscle cramps, and stomach pain during pregnancy in the third trimester. Saffron milk, which has antispasmodic and antinociceptive properties, can help relieve excessive muscle contractions and loosen joints, reducing stomach and muscle pain during pregnancy.

7. Combats Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress occurs when there's an imbalance between free radicals (unstable molecules) and the body's natural defences. During pregnancy, this imbalance can increase due to factors like increased metabolic activity. 

Saffron contains crocin, a carotenoid with antioxidant properties. This helps neutralise these free radicals, protecting against cellular damage and promoting a healthier pregnancy environment, especially in the placenta.

8. Increases The Quality Of Sleep

One thing most pregnant women crave is a good night's sleep. As pregnancy progresses, expectant mothers find it difficult to get quality sleep due to discomfort and cramps. Saffron is a great antioxidant and an herbal sedative that can relieve spasms and induce a sense of relaxation, facilitating quality sleep.

9. Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease

Saffron has antioxidants, flavonoids and potassium that reduce the risk of heart disease. Crocetin, contained in saffron, lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in and on the walls of heart arteries. In addition to these immense benefits, studies have revealed that consuming saffron during pregnancy can increase cervical readiness in full-term pregnancies.

Also Read: Saffron Milk (Kesar Dudh) Benefits And Potential Side Effects

In Which Month Kesar Milk In Pregnancy Is Taken?

While some believe pregnant women can enjoy saffron milk throughout their pregnancy, it's best to wait. Doctors advise avoiding saffron due to potential risks, especially in the first trimester. In line with this caution, Ayurvedic tradition suggests waiting until the fourth month, when you feel your baby move, before consuming saffron.

Only a small amount of saffron is enough to reap its benefits for expectant mothers in many ways. The best way to consume saffron is to add its fibres to milk and drink this saffron milk daily.

Note these essential considerations for kesar milk’s role in pregnancy:

  • Drinking kesar milk during pregnancy is a great idea, but if you are drinking it just so that your baby is born with fair skin, it will not help; it is a complete myth. 

  • Adding a drop or two to a glass of milk can relax your muscles, heal you internally, improve and support digestion, and calm you down. 

  • Also, kesar milk during pregnancy helps to increase the calcium and protein intake, which is good for your baby's development.

  • Plus, kesar doodh is great during pregnancy because it promotes positive emotions and has some healing properties that can help you cope with pregnancy.

Also Read: Healthy Diet During Pregnancy: Foods To Eat & Avoid

Is Taking Kesar Doodh In Pregnancy Safe? Know Nutritive Values

Milk is very nutritious, but saffron can increase its strength. Kesar milk during pregnancy offers many nutrients that help keep the body functioning normally and maintaining health. It contains many essential nutrients that are important during pregnancy.

Note these nutritive values of 1 cup (230 g) of saffron milk with its benefits:



Benefit During Pregnancy


181 kcal

Provides calories for both mom and baby for growth and development



Supports cell growth and development for both mom and baby



It may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels



Provides readily available energy for mom and baby



Aids digestion, which can be a common pregnancy discomfort



Builds and repairs tissues, essential for both mom and baby throughout pregnancy



Maintains fluid balance, which is important throughout pregnancy



Supports muscle function and nerve transmission, essential for mom’s overall well-being

Dietitian’s Recommendation

Saffron is an incredible herb that can help with the discomforts a pregnant woman has to deal with. Saffron milk has many benefits during pregnancy. But I recommend using it only after you get good quality saffron and use it right away. You can benefit from its Ayurvedic healing properties and flavours.

However, pregnant women must follow the recommended dosage to avoid complications and health problems. You must consult your doctor or dietitian before consuming saffron milk. Your doctor will prescribe you the optimal amount of consumption.

                                                                                                   Dt. Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say

Offering many health benefits, kesar milk during pregnancy is highly beneficial. Pregnant women can keep their saffron intake between 0.5 and 2 grams per day after the first trimester, as it will also help promote uterine elasticity to facilitate labour. It includes all forms and food sources of saffron. Remember, you can take saffron milk every day at the usual time they take milk, be it at night or during the day. However, bedtime is considered the best time to consume kesar milk in pregnancy as it helps get quality sleep.


1. What precautions must I consider with milk and saffron during pregnancy?

While generally safe, avoid saffron in the first trimester due to possible uterine stimulation. Stick to recommended amounts and consult your doctor before adding it to your diet.

2. What are the specific benefits of saffron milk during pregnancy for babies?

Research on specific benefits for babies is limited. However, saffron might offer indirect benefits for the mother through its mood-lifting and digestive effects, which can contribute to overall wellness.

3. Can saffron change my baby's skin tone?

Yes, there’s this possibility that large amounts of saffron can stimulate uterine contractions, increasing the risk of miscarriage in the first and second trimesters. So, take the necessary precautions when consuming Kesar milk during pregnancy.

4. Is saffron good for female fertility?

Yes, saffron helps treat medically induced sexual dysfunction in men and women, increasing their libido and sexual satisfaction.


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