How To Reduce Body Heat Immediately? Discover Tips And Foods!



Published on: 15-Feb-2024


10 min read




Anushka Tripathi


How To Reduce Body Heat Immediately? Discover Tips And Foods!

How To Reduce Body Heat Immediately? Discover Tips And Foods!

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Is the summer sun leaving you sizzling, or does simply stepping outside turn you into a human furnace? You're not alone! Feeling excessive body heat can be uncomfortable, frustrating, and even dangerous. But what exactly is this?

The body's nervous system helps maintain body temperature. However, people often notice their body temperature rising and doctors generally consider this condition to be heat stress. Heat stress can be caused by excessive heat, certain foods, or other factors. 

Sometimes, diseases such as inflammatory diseases and thyroid disease can cause body temperature to rise. In these situations, you need to know how to reduce body heat so that your body temperature does not rise above control levels. Many natural remedies can help reduce internal body temperature when a person experiences heat stress. This blog explains some tips and tricks on how to reduce body heat immediately to help you maintain your natural body temperature. 

Table Of Contents

1. How To Reduce Body Heat Immediately?

2. How To Reduce Body Heat By Food?

3. How To Reduce Body Heat Immediately At Home?

4. The Final Say

5. FAQs

6. References 

How To Reduce Body Heat Immediately?

Body temperature measures the body's ability to produce and release heat. Normal temperature is often listed as 98.6°F but may be slightly lower or higher. The average temperature for adults ranges from 97.8°F to 99.0°F. Normal body temperature is 36.5 to 37.5°C (97 to 99°F). When the body cannot cool down and maintain a normal body temperature, it overheats. 

Normally, the hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system maintain body temperature within 1 to 2 degrees of normal body temperature. However, there are times when body temperature rises. This condition is called heat stress. Heat stress can be caused by extreme heat, certain foods, or other factors. 

Hot and humid weather, tight clothing, excessive sun exposure, strenuous exercise, physical activity, and certain illnesses can cause your body temperature to rise. Symptoms usually include lethargy, excessive sweating, muscle cramps, headaches, and rapid heartbeat, followed by general weakness. Additionally, dehydration often occurs due to body temperature. 

There are several ways to relieve this condition, including avoiding tight clothing, finding a shady or well-ventilated area, and occasionally bathing in cool water. Here are some tips on how to reduce body heat: 

1. Hydrotherapy 

Hydrotherapy is a treatment method that involves the use of water as medicine to alleviate different symptoms in your body. You may also hear it being referred to as water therapy, aquatic therapy, pool therapy or balneotherapy. 

Hydrotherapy can be as basic as taking a warm bath in the comfort of your home, or it can involve using specialised tanks or pools. Soaking your feet in cold water is an effective way to solve the problem of body overheating. Make sure you keep your legs down for about 30 minutes. 

Also Read: A Guide To Japanese Water Therapy For Weight Loss: Steps & Side Effects! 

2. Through Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, Pitta (fire) is one of the three doshas (energies) that circulate in a body and govern its metabolism. To reduce body heat, consuming a pitta-reducing diet is helpful. This can be achieved by consuming water-rich foods like watermelon, cucumber, berries, plum, broccoli, etc.

Also Read: What Is Ayurvedic Remedy For Thyroid? Read To Know!

3. Yoga 

Some great yoga practices can help lower your body temperature such as: 

Shitali – Cooling Breathing Pranayama

  • Sit comfortably cross-legged on the floor or in a comfortable chair. 

  • Roll your tongue, stick out the outer part to create a hollow tube, and then breathe in through your mouth. 

  • While your tongue is wet, the air passing through it can cool you and soothe you. 

  • Now inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose. 

Shitkari – the hissing sound of Pranayama breathing

  • Sit with your legs crossed and grit your teeth. 

  • Open your lips a little wider and place your tongue very close to your teeth to close the gaps between your teeth. 

  • Now inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose. 

Other yoga exercises that immediately lower your body temperature include Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Ashva Sanchalanasana (Hockey Pose), Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle or Butterfly Pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).

How To Reduce Body Heat By Food?

These are some of the best temperature-cooling foods you can introduce into your diet:

1. Coconut Water 

If you wanted to call something as pleasant and thirst-quenching as water, you would call it soft coconut water. Low in calories and sugar, and rich in electrolytes, tender coconut water is a nutritious and refreshing liquid that helps your body cope with the hot summer heat. 

2. Watermelon

Next, one of the best cooling foods is watermelon. If you've ever had a glass of watermelon or freshly squeezed watermelon juice (with no additives) after a long summer day, you know what we're talking about. Watermelon is rich in antioxidants and amino acids and contains 92% water, making it a great addition to your summer diet. 

3. Mint 

In addition to improving digestion, mint leaves benefits have cooling properties that help you better regulate your body temperature while leaving you feeling refreshed, making it one of the best cooling foods for the body. You can infuse mint leaves in water or blend in with smoothies to attain its cooling effects. 

4. Banana 

Like watermelon, bananas also have cooling properties that hydrate the body, remove toxins from the body, and cool off the "heat" in the intestines, making them one of the best cooling foods for the body. 

5. Buttermilk 

Fortified with probiotics and micronutrients, buttermilk has traditionally been one of the trusted cooling beverages that not only cool the body but also help maintain gut health while improving metabolism. 

Also Read: Top 11 Benefits Of Buttermilk For Weight Loss With Its Recipe 

6. Cucumber 

Cucumber, one of the best foods to keep the body cool, is rich in moisture and is consistently recommended in Ayurveda as a food to reduce fever. Containing 95% water, cucumbers get a mention in the list of “Best Cooling Foods for the Body” as they not only help maintain a normal body temperature but also help completely remove toxins from the body. 

7. Lemon Water 

Rich in vitamin C, lemon water hydrates and oxygenates the body. Vitamin C in lemons helps fight heat exhaustion and visible rashes by slowing sweat gland fatigue and increasing heat tolerance. 

8. Celery 

With its many health benefits, celery ranks second on our list of best cooling foods to keep you cool in the summer. Celery contains about 95% water and is rich in essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. This wonderful vegetable not only hydrates you but can also provide a healthy detox for your body. 

9. Indian Juice Bael 

Bael fruit juice, with its nutritional and antifungal properties, is one of the coolest drinks in summer. 

Also Read: Bel Juice: 6 Health Benefits And Recipe 

10. Sugar Cane Juice 

Sugarcane juice, a natural energy drink, instantly refreshes your mood and restores your energy levels. Sugarcane juice can also be consumed with mint, ginger, and lime, making it the best drink to keep you cool and hydrated during the summer.

Also Read: Foods To Reduce Body Heat

How To Reduce Body Heat Immediately At Home?

Tips for regulating body temperature are as follows:

Have a cold drink 

  • Drink iced tea or cold water to regulate your body temperature. 

  • Cold drinks lower your core body temperature. 

  • Drinking water or other fluids regularly also helps prevent dehydration. 

Go outdoors 

  • Leave your room and go somewhere with natural air. 

  • A cool breeze can help regulate your body temperature. But if it's hot outside, you can use air conditioning. 

Go into the cool water 

  • Stay warm by going to the pool and taking a dip in cold water or taking a warm bath. How to reduce body heat? Just jump in the water or take a shower. 

Apply a cold compress to your body 

  • Use ice packs to lower body temperature. For example, you can control extreme heat by applying ice to your wrists, neck, chest, or temples. 

  • Additionally, it can maintain overall body temperature by lowering the temperature of the blood in the veins. 

Limit your movements

  • When you move your body, you generate heat. Therefore, when it is hot outside, it is best to control your body temperature by avoiding exercise or body movement. 

Wear lighter clothes

  • When it's hot, try to wear clothes made of natural materials such as cotton and linen. 

  • This is because heat passes through these fabrics quickly. 

  • Conversely, if you wear polyester or acrylic, it may be difficult for your body to heat up. 

Take heat-regulating supplements

  • Taking temperature-regulating supplements may improve your body temperature. 

  • Women going through perimenopause and menopause experience hot flashes. 

  • Taking temperature-regulating supplements during this period may improve your condition. 

Take care of your thyroid

  • When the thyroid gland produces more hormones, hot flashes may occur. 

  • Additionally, overactivity of the thyroid gland can cause rapid heartbeat, sweating, jaundice, and confusion. You can take a thyroid care plan to manage your health. 

The Final Say

Now you know how to reduce body heat immediately after reading the blog. Remember, feeling overly hot isn't just uncomfortable; it can impact your health and well-being. By incorporating the tips and food suggestions explored in this blog, you've gained a valuable toolkit to manage your body heat effectively.

These treatments are natural and may help cool your body when it feels hot. If your body temperature seems to be rising for an unknown reason or if it does not go down after using these treatments, it is better to consult a healthcare provider.


1. Why does my body suddenly feel so hot?

It can easily overheat for several reasons. Causes can range from conditions such as diabetes or thyroid problems to stress or anxiety. It may also occur during menopause or in older age. Bodies are unique and some may be a little hotter than others. 

2. What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion? 

The most common symptoms of heat exhaustion include headache, dizziness, nausea, irritability, weakness, dehydration, and increased body temperature. 

3. How can I cool down instantly? 

The fastest way to cool down is through water. You can also help rehydrate your body by eating some of the cooling foods mentioned above.


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