Happy Doctor's Day 2024: Expert Doctors Reveal the Facts Behind Health Myths!



Published on: 01-Jul-2024


10 min read




Anvesha Chowdhury


Happy Doctor's Day 2024: Expert Doctors Reveal the Facts Behind Health Myths!

Happy Doctor's Day 2024: Expert Doctors Reveal the Facts Behind Health Myths!

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Chocolate consumption leads to acne. You will catch a cold if you sleep with damp hair. Having X-rays raises your chance of developing cancer. These are probably things you have heard of before, but are they true or myths? With the growing impact of social media and self-proclaimed experts, the line between the truth and myth has become bleak, as if the information contradicting reality and age-old beliefs were not enough.

The search for clarity, however, becomes even more important. In recent years, significant advancements in medical research have been seen, leading to the discovery of the truths underlying many of the most widespread health myths. Hence, along with our health experts, ToneOp has created this blog on facts and myths about health. We will set the facts straight so that you will know the right information about your health! Keep reading to find out!

Table Of Contents

1. What Do Doctors Say About These Common Health Myths?

2. The Final Say

3. FAQs

4. References

What Do Doctors Say About These Common Health Myths?

Here are some common myths about health that our experts at ToneOp debunk:

1. An X-Ray Will Cause Cancer

An X-ray machine emits radiation to get an image of your body and detect injuries. This can be a significant concern. Whereas an X-ray exposes you to very little radiation, and there is minimal possibility that the radiation can cause cancer. In actuality, high-level exposure to nuclear weapons and industrial accidents causes radiation-induced cancer. 

2. Sugar Makes Kids Hyper

It's more fiction than reality that children who consume sugar become hyperactive. Although sugar does provide a fast energy boost that causes brief spikes in activity or excitement (referred to as a "sugar rush"), this impact is usually transient. It does not result in persistently hyperactive behaviour. 

It is not scientifically proven that consuming too much sugar causes children's hyperactivity, even though it may not be suitable for long-term dietary habits and oral health in general. The misconception that children who consume sugar become hyperactive is mostly a product of cultural bias.

Also Read: What Happens On Consuming Too Much Sugar?

3. Have Eight Glasses Of Water Each Day

The popular recommendation to drink eight glasses of water daily is not so much a scientific fact as a popular guideline. Although the role of hydration is essential for good health, each person's requirements can differ depending on age, activity level, and environment. The "eight glasses" recommendation, roughly two litres of water per day, might be an excellent place to start for many individuals in terms of staying hydrated. Still, it is only sometimes applicable. 

4. Consuming A Healthy Diet Is Too Costly

Eating healthily is believed to cause holes in your pockets. While this may be a complete myth, eating healthy on a budget is possible. You can opt for simpler things like buying seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables instead of relying on your choice of fruit irrespective of the season, planning your meals ahead of time, making a shopping list and sticking to it, and stocking up on brown rice, dry beans, lentils, etc. from wholesale stores like D-Mart and Best Price.

5. Apply Ice On The Burning Area

Imagine getting burnt while cooking and running straight to the fridge to get an ice cube or ice pack, thinking it will slow the burning sensation. But does that really work? Ice packs tend to cause more harm than help regarding minor burns. This is due to the possibility of skin surface injury from frostbite-like conditions at frigid temperatures. Instead, you should straight away run your hand or whichever body part has the burn under tap water multiple times. Cool running water will soothe the burning sensation and ease the pain.

6. You Will Catch A Cold From Sleeping With Wet Hair

You must have often heard your mother shouting at you not to sleep with wet hair; instead, you are asked to dry your hair after you shower, especially at night. Cold is when you catch a virus, and that is not what you can see merely by sleeping with wet hair. However, since a damp pillow is more likely to carry bacteria, you should think twice before sleeping with wet hair if you are prone to acne. Replace your pillowcases regularly to get rid of acne. 

7. Cracking Joints Causes Arthritis

Aren't we all just subconsciously cracking our joints? As satisfying as it can be, we have been asked not to do it because it may result in arthritis. In reality, there are regions of low pressure or a vacuum inside the joint when it moves or is pulled. When pressure is applied to the joint, nitrogen gas pulls out, which sounds like cracking. Occasionally, a tendon moving over a portion of the joint can also be heard, making a cracking sound. Painless joint cracking is harmless and does not result in any injury or arthritis.  

Also Read: Herbal Teas For Joint Pain And Arthritis: A Natural Remedy

8. Peel Your Vegetables And Fruits Before Eating

Many of you may prefer to avoid consuming apples, potatoes, carrots, etc., with their skin and prefer eating or cooking them only after peeling their skin. Fruit and vegetable skins are fibre-rich and can help you feel satisfied for longer periods. This can help you avoid eating and better control your weight. For example, compared to a peeled apple, an apple with skin has up to 332% more vitamin K, 142% more vitamin A, 115% more vitamin C, and 20% more calcium. On the other hand, a skin-on boiling potato can have up to 175% more vitamin C than a peeled one. 

9. Eggs Are Bad For Your Heart

Wondering how a source of protein can be wrong for your heart while limiting your egg intake due to this belief? Consuming one or two eggs daily does not increase the risk of heart disease in healthy individuals. Although yolks contain cholesterol, for most people, the quantity in any meal is not as harmful as the combination of fats in everything they eat. 

Additionally, substances like omega-3s in eggs may reduce the risk of heart disease. So, eggs can increase your cholesterol levels only when you are cutting down on everything else and only relying on eggs for all your meals. Eating eggs in the right proportion is essential.

Also Read: Why Is Healthy Nutrition Important? Debunking Myths & Tips 

The Final Say

Empower yourself with knowledge! Remember that arming yourself with facts is the best medicine this Doctor's Day. By debunking health myths and seeking expert advice, you can take control of your well-being and navigate your health journey with confidence!


1. Does cold weather make you sick?

Sickness can be more likely in colder weather. In the winter, viruses like the common cold spread more easily because the body cannot fight them off when cold air gets into the nose and upper airways.

2. Does antiperspirant cause breast cancer?

The usage of deodorant and antiperspirant has not been strongly associated with the development of breast cancer in scientific research.


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